Cosmological Inflation: History and Present Status
Motivated by the book : Breakthrough Beyond the Edge of the World Valery Rubakov Alexei Starobinsky Andrei Linde Vyacheslav Mukhanov Vladimir Lukash
The first cosmological revolution R – ½ R g – 8 g = 16 c -4 G T
The universe is not just a containment of everything that exists – This is a physical object! -Geometry: a closed 3D space + time -Size: unknown but > light years -Dynamics: accelerating expansion -Density: g/сm 3 -Equation of state: pressure = 0 (dust) -Temperature: 2.7 о К -Total energy: 0 (Zero!)
Big Bang problems -Horizon problem (Charles Misner): Universe is the same in the causally unconnected regions -Flatness problem ( = 1), or = c -Cosmic junk problem: lack of monopoles, cosmic strings etc. -Entropy problem: ~ particles within horizon
Vladimir Lukash about 1970-ies: They worked in the frames of “Cosmological postulate”: all problems come from initial conditions that we have to postulate. Nobody was happy (except theologists) but how to work otherwise? Observations: is at most 10% of the critical value (Peebles & Tali). However it was clear that any value of degrades very fast to 0 or infinity except = 1 exactly (Dicke) The anthropic principle was treated in Zeldovich school as a bad style science Mid 70-ies: Gunn & Tinsley: the negative deceleration parameter derived from the Hubble diagram (acceleration) The issue of H: H ~50 km/s/Mpc versus ~75 km/s/Mpc (too young Universe)
Reincarnation of the -term (cosmological term) R – ½ R g – 8 g = 16 c -4 G T - 8/3 Vacuum (p = - ) p =
The first hint: Brout, Englert & Gunzig 1961 Creation of Universe ex nihilis with a massive scalar field (a toy model) The next attempt: Erast Gliner 1969: non-singular bounce due to “heavy vacuum” with p = -e Contraction -> expansion through de-Sitter stage Gliner & Dymnikova 1975: It solves problems of flatness (big Universe) and of a large entropy
1980 – The start of the second cosmological revolution 1980 – Starobinsky presents his model and meets criticism for a wrong scenario 1980 Mukhanov & Chibisov claim that de-Sitter stage is necessary to get galaxies from quantum fluctuations 1981 Mukhanov & Chibisov - primordial scalar perturbations and their spectrum 1981 Guth publishes his famous paper 1982 Linde - New inflation (slow roll) + Steinhardt & Albercht (3 month later) 1983 Linde - Chaotic inflation 1986 Linde - Eternal inflation
Alexei Starobinsky: modified gravitation R 2 appears as a result of Kazimir effect at a large curvature Scenario: Universe has started from a pure de-Sitter world which existed indefinite time. Then it dissipated into hot Friedman Universe. Mukhanov & Others: de-Sitter world is unstable because of quantum fluctuations and incompatible with contraction stage. Zeldovich: The model can be interpreted as a way of Universe creation from nothing Vilenkin has formalized this as a tunnel transition.
Mukhanov & Chibisov: primordial scalar perturbations Virtual quantum fluctuations produce real perturbations under variable metric Gravitational waves – Leonid Grischuk Gravitational waves (tensor perturbations) in Starobinsky model – Starobinsky Production of scalar perturbations – Lukash (general formalism), Mukhanov & Chibisov – the concrete result for the concrete model (of Starobinsky), including the spectrum of perturbations: First approximation – ns = 1 (flat spectrum) Next approximation – ns = 0.96
V( , T) Alan Guth: Scenario of inflation 1.Thermal equilibrium 2.Phase transition 3.Supercooling + Exponential expansion 4. “Boiling” – reheating
Answers: 1.The flatness problem is evidently solved with expansion by many orders of magnitude ( k ~ , e.g) 2.The horizon problem disappears because all we see inside the horizon was a causally connected piece of a uniform heavy vacuum. 3.All exotic “defects” were swept away during inflation out of the horizon 4. A huge entropy results from the decay of self- reproducing scalar field
New inflation + 3 H + V’ = 0... Linde 1982 Albrecht & Steinhardt 3 months later
Chaotic inflation Linde 1983 > M pl f(x) – homogeneous at ~ 10 R hor
Starobinsky model in terms of a scalar field V( ) ~ log 2 ( )
Ethernal inflation Linde 1986 Planck limit
Andrei Linde
Predictions (According to Slava Mukhanov) 1.Flatness =1 2.Spectral slope of primordial perturbations ns ~ 0.96 – Gaussianity 4.Adiabaticity 5.Gravitational waves
WMAP 2001 – 2010 Band 0.32 – 1.3 см Thermal equilibrium in the shadow ~40К Mirror 1.4 Х 1.6 м The data were opened in 2002 «Планк» 2009 – 2013 Band – 1см Liquid helium Mirror 1.5 Х 1.9 м Data opening: 2013?
What one can see on this picture? Cold spot, “fingers”, concentric rings. Also “SH”, Zuntz, Zibin, Zunkel & Zwart, 01/04/2014
What we have to search in this map? A.D. Sakharov Primordial perturbations produce acoustic waves with common phase. (Standing waves) Waves coming to recombination with the phase , 2 , 3 have maximal amplitudes - With the phase /2, 3p/2, 5p/2 – minimal amplitudes Sakharov assumed a wrong model (cold universe) where peaks were of a very short scale Reconsidered for correct model Sunyaev & Zeldovich + Peebles & Yu Sakharov oscillations are observable!
Silk effect
Fit of the multipole spectrum Free parameters: 1.The amplitude of primordial perturbations (normalization) 2. The spectral slope (with a deviation from a flat) 3. The share of the baryonic matter (affects the height of the first peak) 4. The share of the dark matter (affects the ratio between peaks) 5. The curvature parameter (defines the angular scale of the whole picture) 6. Free electron optical depth (reionization z) affects the curve at low L
Curvature k = Dark matter c = Baryonic matter b =
= 1 (Flat Universe) ++!! Planck + other data: = / Ns = 0.96 – ! n s = / Adiabaticity Confirmed (position of acoustic peaks) 4. Gaussianity Confirmed at the level ruling out complicated models Linde: there was a rumor that WMAP has observed a non- gaussianity. Some people were excited. The rumor had no ground. 5. Gravitational waves Not confirmed yet Predictions / Measurements
Starobinsky model BICEP2
It was too early to drink champagne! BICEP 2 South pole
B-mode at the level r = 0.2 The result is in contradiction with Planck data (too large) Поляризованная пыль?
Alternatives Steinhardt & Turok Ekpyrotic model Bounce due to brane collision p > + Strong criticism by Andrei Linde and others (pyrotechnical model) Rubakov A primordial vacuum with conform invariance No massive particles, no gravity, no scale (… and the Sent Spirit flied over the water) A spontaneous breaking Hot Fridman Universe
Linde, Mukhanov, Stasrobinsky: Inflation theory is simple (in ideology), solves all problems and has predicted future observations. Alternatives are more complicated, require additional entities and give no clear predictions Rubakov: Until primordial gravitational waves are detected alternative models have a right for existence (and it is worth to wait with Nobel prize) However, one part of the theory has no alternatives: the quantum production of primordial perturbations by Mukhanov $ Chibisov
My impressions: - Inflation theory far exceeds alternatives in ideological simplicity and predictive power. Also the most economical in the sense of extra entities. - Among the inflation models the best is that of Alexei Starobinsky with the same reason. -William Occam probably would agree with me.