STEM Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
What is Stem? STEM is a project-based educational program that prepares students for college and graduate study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 2Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
STEM is: Engaging Multi-faceted Performance based Applied learning Authentic Demonstrates understanding 3Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
What Does STEM Look Like? Student ‘s master the Four “C” 21 st Century skills: 1.C – Creativity 2.C - Critical Thinking 3.C – Collaboration 4.C – Communication Tasks are set in a global context to prepare students for living in an increasingly interconnected world. 4Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
The STEM Classroom 5Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
The 7 STEM Standards 1.Learn and apply content 2.Integrate content 3.Interpret and communicate information 4.Engage in inquiry 5.Engage in logical reasoning 6.Collaborate as a team 7.Apply technology appropriately 6Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
Instructional Strategies Model-based reasoning and inquiry Creativity is used to challenge students to solve real world problems Project-based collaborative activities Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College7
The NGSS creates a rich set of science content learning expectations that develop and deepen over time. The new standards include science and engineering practices as well as literacy and math common core connections. 9Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College The Next Generation of Science Standards (NGSS) & STEM
Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College10 Performance Expectations Middle School Science - Energy
Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College11 Science & Engineering PracticesCrosscutting ConceptsDisciplinary Core Ideas
Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College12 Literacy Math NGSS & Common Core
Summary/Comparison Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College13 Regular Classroom STEM Classroom Teacher-centeredStudent-centered Teacher is activeStudents are active Cookie cutter lessonsProject-based Relies on textbooks & lecturesHighlights real life examples Rote knowledgeExperiential Knowledge Isolated learningCollaboration Focus is on procedureFocus is on thinking
Bottle Rocket Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College
Flashlight Project Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College15
Ping Pong Ball Popper Dr. John Hunt Mississippi College16 Mylar PVC PipeVacuum Pump
Questions? Dr. John Hunt J 17