1 Capacity Building and ICT Policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks in the Pacific Regulatory and Policy Developments in Papua New Guinea Nadi, Fiji Islands November 2009 Charles S. Punaha Director General, PANGTEL
2 Key policy decisions 1996: corporatisation of PTC Establishment of PANGTEL Telikom PNG Limited Post PNG Limited 2002: continued monopoly changed regulation: Telikom PNG regulatory contract: five year monopoly period with investment and service quality KPIs price regulation of certain wholesale and retail services regulatory responsibility split ICCC and PANGTEL 2005: Mobile competition Early introduction of mobile competition with 2 new licences June 2007: infrastructure investment focus Netco monopoly/Servco reseller competition February 2008: staged introduction of open competition National ICT Policy 2008 Phase 1 status quo pending detailed analysis and report March 2009: National ICT Policy November 2009 – NICTA Act 2009
3 Development of phase 2 reforms Detailed public consultation in 2008 Numerous one-on-one, group consultations and workshops February 2009: consultation draft Experts Report analysed international best practice assessed PNG market and local issues formulated and made >50 policy recommendations March 2009: National ICT Policy Phase 2 Reforms Final Report approved as Government Policy
4 Structure of the NICTA Act 2009
5 Phase 2 regulatory regime
6 End