Jan 9-12 I can apply grammar rules. I can demonstrate understanding of a code of chivalry and how that effects a character. I can create my own code of chivalry. I can demonstrate comprehension of a text. I can create my own coat of arms.
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Codes of Chivalry Codes of Chivalry include the following values: duty, honor, honesty, dedication, commitment, fidelity (loyalty), truth, courage, and kindness. What are some examples of chivalrous acts?
On your white board Write down 1 behavior you consider to be chivalrous. – Examples: Respect, be true, loyal, protect, etc. Trade boards, trade again with someone else, and trade once more with someone else Decide if you believe your board has an example of a chivalrous act. By a show of hands, how many hold a board with a chivalrous act? Justify your reasoning. By show of hands, how many hold a baord they consider not to be a chivalrous act. Justify.
Laws of Chivalry: The Ten Rules of Chivalry 1. Thou shalt follow the dictates of moral conscience. 2. Thou shalt be willing to defend your values. 3. Thou shalt have respect and pity for all weakness and steadfastness in defending them. 4. Thou shalt love thy country. 5. Thou shalt refuse to retreat before the enemy. 6. Thou shalt wage unceasing and merciless war against all that is evil. 7. Thou shalt obey the orders of those appointed above you, as long as those orders do not conflict with what you know to be just. 8. Thou shalt show loyalty to truth and to your pledged word. 9. Thou shalt be generous and giving of ones self. 10.Thou shalt be champion of the right and good at all times, and at all times oppose the forces of evil.
Chivalry Assignment Complete the Code of Chivalry assignment according to the directions on the handout.
Sir Lancelot (or Launcelot) was one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend. He was the most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and played a part in many of Arthur's victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur's wife Guinevere and the role he played in the search for the Holy Grail. He is also known as the most loyal friend of Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawaine. Lancelot's life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey. A Glimpse of Sir Launcelot
While reading the story, “The Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake” on pages , think about the archetypal hero and the traits of the hero’s journey. How does Launcelot follow these traits? Is he an archetypal hero? I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey. “Of all his knights one was supreme.” from Le Morte de Arthur Sir Thomas Malory
Questions: 1. What characteristics of chivalry does Sir Launcelot display? 2. Why do you think Launcelot wants to fight in plain armor with no coat of arms or identifying symbol? 3. What chivalric ideals are illustrated by the incident at the pavilion?
Create Create your own Coat of Arms. Follow the directions on the handout.
Sir Launcelot Vocabulary Enrichment Follow the directions on the handout.