© 2004 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: September 7, 2004 How Organizations Encourage Employees to Vote Sample comprised of 450 randomly selected HR professionals. Analyzing 450 of s sent, s received (response rate = 25%). Survey fielded September 7 – 13, 2004; presentation generated on September 15, Margin of error is +/- 5.0%.
© 2004 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: September 7, What does your organization do to encourage employees to vote in elections? (Check all that apply.)
© 2004 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: September 7, What does your organization do to encourage employees to vote in elections? (Check all that apply.) ChoiceCountPercent of Sample Nothing % We allow employees to take paid- time off to vote % We allow employees to take non- paid time off to vote % We provide information to employees on voter registration 368.0% We provide information to employees on voting locations and times 235.1% We have a voter registration drive (e.g., onsite/online registration opportunities) 224.9% We provide employees with nonpartisan issue-related information 153.3% We provide employees with nonpartisan information about candidates 122.7% Other235.1%
© 2004 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: September 7, Allow employees paid time off to participate in voter registration drives 2.Comply with State Law regarding employees working OT being allowed time to vote 3.Employees are encouraged to vote before or after work hours. 4.Employees are given up to 2 hours for the purpose of voting provided the employee does not have sufficient time to vote before or after regular duty hours to vote. 5.In national elections our US leader often sends out an encouraging people to vote on election day. 6.Include a notice in our newsletter encouraging employees to vote. 7.Information and reminders to vote 8.Must have supervisor's prior approval, unless the employee's work hours begin or end 3 hours before the polls close. 9.new to the org -- I don't know 10.Oregon has the mail-in ballots. That helps. 11.Our Director/Government Relations in our Marketing Dept sends out an reminding employees to vote 12.Our union has a slate of candidates that they endorse 13.PAC groups 14.Political Action Committee sponsors informative sessions 15.We allow employees to flex their time so they can come late or leave early to vote. 16.We allow employees to take non-paid time off to help with local elections 17.We allow employees to vote during the work day and be paid for it. 18.We allow flex-time to employees 19.We allow time off if voting location is not within 1 hour of work 20.We employees reminding them to vote. 21.We encourage employees to vote and when schedules are conflicting we do allow up to 2 hours of paid time 22.We provide applications for absentee ballots so there is no excuse for not voting. 23.We remind employees to vote on election days through s and postings. 24.we send out a memo stressing the importance of everyone voting and the hours the polls are open. 25.We urge employees to be aware of the legislative process Open ended responses to Question 1