Key Terms 1. propaganda – biased (one sided) information 2. ballot – what you vote on 3. polling place – where you go to vote 4. straight ticket voting – vote for candidates of which you are a party member (all democrat or republican) 5. split ticket voting – vote for members of either party 6. initiative (example of a grassroots movement) – a petition started by citizens to propose a new law 7. referendum – when citizens can vote whether or not to pass a law 8. recall – citizens start a petition to vote someone out of office
I. Voting A. Qualifications to vote yrs. Old 2. must be registered 3. must be citizen 4. resident of voting precinct ( is possible to vote absentee ballot) B. Reasons people do not vote 1. apathy – you could care less 2. convicted felon 3. legally insane
II. Elections / Election Process A. Step 1 – “Throw your hat into the ring” – you are going to run for office (unofficial nomination) B. Step 2 – caucus and primaries (February 2008) 1. caucus – a party meeting ( Iowa caucus begins the election season; this is the first state to choose nominees from each party) 2. primary – nomination election in which citizens from each state vote on which candidate they would like to see run for President a. open primary – you can choose the party’s ballot from which you would like to vote b. closed primary – only party members may vote on ballot C. Step 3 – National Convention (August 2008) – each party will have a huge political convention in a major city. PURPOSE? 1. official nomination of Pres./VP 2. delegates write their party’s platform
D. Step 4 – final campaigning (end of August thru November) 1. televised debates 2. endorsement (testimonial) 3. canvassing – campaign over a region of voters 4. image molding – shape your personality in a way that will make you look popular E. Step 5 – General Election (final election) 1. first Tuesday after first Monday in November (popular vote) 2. electoral vote actually takes place in December 3. Jan. 20 is Presidential inauguration
III. Campaign funding A. FEC – federal election commission – monitors for illegal campaign funding B. Personal donations are limited to $4,600 for primary and general elections C. Candidates use fundraisers D. PAC’s – Political Action Committees – raise money for interest groups to provide to candidates ***donations go to campaigns NOT individual candidates