1 The Evolution of Internet Voting By Ka Ling Cheung
2 Introduction The transition from punch cards to one- click voting is rapidly approaching. Industry analysts predict the 2000 election may be the last presidential election to only offer in-person voting and absentee ballots. Many voters are ready to embrace digital democracy and see Internet voting as a natural next step in electronic elections technology.
3 Topics of Discussion Encryption Two phases of internet voting Different methods of internet voting Key requirements for a voting system Barriers to entry
4 Encryption Figure 1: Symmetric Encryption protocol Figure 2 Public Key Encryption Protocol
5 Poll-Site Voting An election in which internet voting stations are made available at conventional poll-sites where access and security area controlled as they are today. These could also include schools and libraries where internet access is already available.
6 Remote-Site Internet Voting The ability for voters to cast their ballots from anywhere an internet connection is available, such as home or office.
7 Different Methods E-commerce Trusted Authority Individual Verifiable Universally Verifiable
8 Requirement of online voting Eligibility Uniqueness Privacy Soundness Flexibility Verifiability Non-Coercibility Revisability Convenience Mobility Efficiency
9 Barriers Lack of common standards across states Inefficient of changing election laws to cover new voting methods. Time and cost of certifying a voting system in multiple states. Digital divide.
10 Summary Online voting systems have been under consideration in the cryptographic literature since the early 1980’s. From the literature,two main secure methods have emerged, individually verifiable methods and universally verifiable elections. Although both meet privacy requirements, individually verifiable election systems require voters to verify their votes, which is often unlikely.Universally verifiable elections allow any observer to verify the integrity of the election without violating voter privacy.