M H information : improving practice - progress with electronic care cards Dr C Bruce Low Consultant Psychiatrist Lead Clinician Clinical Governance
Why ? clinical governance PAF CSBS user carer clinical effectiveness communication
Why ? … “recommends that Trusts develop a single system of record keeping which is suitable for documenting the needs of those with long term mental illness and is able to provide an up to date chronological account of a person’s illness and treatment. This system should be compatible with systems in use in partner agencies.”
Why improve ? Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Group “insufficient information on which to base sensible planning for services”
What do information systems need to cover ? MHWBSG CSBS SHAS MWC SIGN HTBS (NICE) and now...QSBHS
Underlying principles / values clinical effectiveness (research and audit) stakeholder involvement information to user and carer on diagnosis prognosis treatment and side effects range of services continuity monitoring auditing and demonstrating what has been done
A clinical example - care cards the motivation what are they the infrastructure the audit the results should we give up the latest
The Motivation first CMHT moved off site 1995 PAS/ info system had the functionality CMHT keen anxiety re out of hours continuity further dispersal of service anticipated
Care Cards: content patient name diagnosis (ICD 10 code) current Problem inc Relapse signature management Strategy (care plan) risk factors to patient risk to staff / others protective factors for patient psychiatric medication
Data entry paper based for clinical practicality secretarial entry on software approach adopted across service updated at any substantive change accurate at time of update motivated people !?
Access and success BPCT MH staff on need to know basis by telephone and call back system to GPs on request very helpful to out of hours service assists bed management allows proactive agreement with patients as to crisis response content has proved durable
Audit Standards all patients of Adult, Rehab, addictions Teams all patients with Learning Disability and Dual Diagnosis under Consultant care all elderly patients with functional illness, others with dementia where out of hours crisis expected
Audit Standards and Method completed up to date accurate care cards self assessment end user feedback
The Audit two cycles completed quality gap persists devil’s advocate position ! guidelines culture change support and further audit
Developments in progress develop locally owned categories for problems and interventions based on.. audit of free text content of presenting problem and management strategy in patient care pathway core care plans CPA illness specific care plans
Developments in Progress balancing act of simplicity utility and specificity continuing culture change to make Care Card the core of communications
Conclusions current values and principles should guide info systems and how they are implemented clinicians value useful information and will use systems when they help them carry out their work joint work between information staff and clinicians can yield positive results via electronic systems
Conclusions Care Cards initiative demonstrates some successes……. help manage on very tight in patient resource assists fast tracking of patient needing rapid admission quality improvement requires persistence and imagination and is a continuous process ……and it can be fun !