$1,000 in the BAG!!! Time Frame Campaign Objective Increase your Sales to help achieve President’s Club level or above. Participants ANYONE who would like to be a TOP SELLER and get to President’s Club+ quicker Details You need 10 New or Regular Customers aka: HELPERS Ask each of those 10 HELPERS to collect $100 in orders Give them extra brochure(s), samples, order book or call back notes in a bag… Offer them a 10% discount on their order for their participation (or more depending on the size of their order or what you would like the discount to be) 10 HELPERS x $100 in orders = $1,000 in Sales in Campaign 18 $1,000 in extra sales helps you move closer to the level you are working to achieve Have them collect all money upfront Materials needed - stock up now 10 more brochures minimum 1 pack clear plastic literature bags 40 Samples 2 order books* or call-back forms *give 10 pages to each helper *If you get to $900+ total sales in C16 you will earn 45%*, Get to $1550+ TOTAL and you will earn 50%*!!! *on full earnings products – not fixed
“What’s In It For You”? Sell $1000+ in C18 and get 45-50% earnings on all full-earnings AVON products – Earn $450+ in ONE campaign! Increase your total award sales to hit President’s Club or above ASAP this year! *if you’re new to President’s Club, your 40% minimum earnings begin as soon as you achieve and continue for the rest of this year’s cycle and ALL of next… WIIFY?
Recommended extra materials to order: Item # one pack of 10 brochures (English) order 1 or 2 extra packs Item # – Clear plastic “What’s New” literature bags 1 pack of 50 bags for 80 cents 40 Samples – your choice from What’s New book Item # Order Book (English) order 1 or 2 – FREE *give 10 pages to each helper OR Item # Call Back Notes (English) 1 pad of 20 notes for 25 cents – order 5 *give 10 pages to each helper