Running a Little League As League Vice President, what do I do and when do I do it? In the absence of the President:
To Start with You Need: A Copy of the Latest “Little League Operating Manual” (the White Book) A Copy of the each of the Latest Baseball and Softball “Official Regulations and PLAYING RULES” (the “small” rulebooks)
That’s IT !!! All You Need to do now is make sure you FOLLOW ALL THE RULES!
What’s Next? If you don’t have a copy of “A Year in the Life of Hometown Little League” GET ONE A copy can be downloaded/printed from If you’ve got a copy, READ IT Keep it as a Reference
What’s Next? Find Out when the Region is holding a Training Session/Clinic for League Administrators If you’re a new Vice President or if you haven’t been to one GO If it’s been several years since you’ve gone GO AGAIN In Fact, you should have a few of your League OFFICERS attend with you (if possible)
This “TRAINING SESSION” is intended to be an OPEN DISCUSSION by Everyone present. The following SLIDES list the TOPICS to be covered, but since every League is unique and each League generally does things a “little” differently, we will not tell you how to “run” Your League. That’s Up To YOU. Running a Little League
Where to Begin? If you haven’t already gotten a copy of the publication “A Year in the Life of Hometown Little League” GET ONE If you’ve already got one, READ IT It is “BY FAR” the most helpful publication for planning and scheduling all of the various activities involved with running a Little League
FALL ELECTIONS Notice Of Annual Meeting Meeting Quorum (Membership) Ballot / Nominations Absentee Ballots Voting / Election Any Constitution Changes? New BOARD Discuss “Responsibilities” Establish Committees START PLANNING for the new Season BUDGET (Income and Expenses) Set Meeting Schedule
FALL Establish Policies for League Assets BANK ACCOUNT(s) Treasurer Procedures Treasurer Reports EQUIPMENTInventoryInspect/Repair/ReplaceIssue/Return/AccountabilityCONCESSIONSEquipment Inventory / Supplies Income (Cash Box)
FALL FALL BALL Training and Development Program If you run one, GREAT If you don’t run one, WHY? PLAN FUNDRAISERS Never Too Early to Start Gather Ideas Try Anything Try Everything Get PARENTS Involved
WINTER District Presidents Meeting Presidents Meeting Meet the District Staff Meet the Other Presidents Discuss: Plans for Upcoming Season Plans for Upcoming Season Interleague Play Tournaments District “Responsibilities” (Dues/Fees) Review Your Constitution Incorporation / Tax Exemption Local Rules / Ground Rules / By-Laws (including Methods for Selecting All Star Players, Mangers, and Coaches)
WINTER (cont’d) REGISTRATION Multiple Dates and Times Advertise, Advertise, Advertise Contact Last Year’s Players / Parents POST League Boundary Map Budget / Financial Report (this is the time to show your Parents how much it really costs to run your league and how the “Registration Fees” provide only a small portion of the money needed during the year) Tryout Schedule Sign-Up Lists for Umpires, Managers, Coaches, SPONSORS, etc..
WINTER (cont’d) REGISTRATION Have “Knowledgeable” People there to Verify Players’ AGE and RESIDENCY IDENTIFY POTENTIAL Umpires, Managers, Coaches, Team Moms/Dads, and SPONSORS Obtain Information about Parents’ Jobs/Professions (find out if you have a CPA, or an electrician, or a Plumber, or Whatever – the information may come in handy if/when you need some work done) COLLECT Playing Fees & Membership Dues Medical Release Forms
WINTER (cont’d) Application for Charter and Insurance Submit EARLY (by Jan 1) Safety Inspections Facility Playing Equipment Appointment of Managers and Coaches Screen Applicants (Background Checks) President Appoints Board Approves
WINTER (cont’d) Clinics and Educational Programs Eastern Regional Clinics / Seminars District Clinics Individual League Clinics CD Rom / Videos Pamphlets / Handouts Who Needs To Be Educated? PRESIDENT and BOARD MEMBERS (especially new Presidents and new BOD Officers) Umpires Managers and Coaches PARENTS
SPRING Divisions/ Teams Number of Players Registered Baseball / Softball Age Breakdown How many Teams How many Players on a Team TRYOUTSAdvertise Multiple Dates / Times Players must Attend 50% of Sessions Conducting the Tryout (Test ALL 5 Skill Areas) All Managers Present Rating Sheets
SPRING (cont’d) Player Selection (DRAFT) Run by PLAYER AGENT Must use an Approved Method Pre-Identify “Options” No “Handshake Agreements” Player Trades Scheduling Practices and GAMES BALANCE the Schedules Be FAIR to ALL Teams “Typical” Schedules are in Operating Manual in Operating Manual Schedules are Approval by the Board
SPRING (cont’d) Waiver Forms Regulations II(d) and IV(h) Submit through DA Must be Approved PRIOR to Player Participating in League Play ROSTERS Submit to Williamsport Copy to DA Interleague/Combined Team Forms Submit to DA
SPRING (cont’d) OPENING DAY Advertise Brief Ceremonies Aside from Registration, this is probably your Best Opportunity to provide League Information to the provide League Information to the most people at one time. If you need HELP from your Membership, Opening Day is a Opening Day is a Great Time to ASK for it PLAY BALL and HAVE FUN
SUMMER All Star Tournament Selecting Players Selecting Manager/Coaches Tournament Affidavit Collecting Paperwork (age & residence) Waiver Forms Pay LLB Fee Tournament Play / Travel Supply Umpires?
Got a Problem IF YOU NEED HELP ASK FOR IT Your District and Regional Staffs are comprised of individuals who have EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE in Little League Many are Past Presidents They are READY TO HELP
District Chain of Command D.A. District Staff League President Board Members Managers and Coaches Players and Parents / Guardians If you have an “Issue/Problem”, work your way UP the Chain One Step At A Time. Try to resolve the issue/problem “at the lowest level.” If not resolved in a timely manner, go ONE step Higher.