Voter Turnout 6.2
A.Presidential elections have largest voter turnouts 1. U.S. nears 50% in presidential elections and 30% in midterm congressional elections -general decline in voter turnout since Comparable industrialized nations in the West -turnouts as high as 90%
YearPop of Vote age Votes cast for pres. (mil) Votes cast for pres. (Perc) Votes cast for Rep (mil) Votes cast for rep. (perc)
B. Reasons for low voter turnout in U.S. 1. It’s too hard to register to vote -Effect of Motor Voter Act? 2. The ballot is too long -aka bedsheet ballot 3. There are too many elections 4. It’s too hard to obtain an absentee ballot 5. I don’t like any of the candidates 6. There’s not a dimes worth of difference b/n the parties 7. My vote doesn’t count 8. Looks like bad weather outside 9. Time zone fallout
C. Who votes? Who doesn’t? Who cares? 1. Characteristics of those likely to vote a. Education: greatest predictor of voting b. Income: higher levels more likely to vote c. Age: older voters more likely to vote 1. young people= lowest turnout 2. voting % declined w/ 26 th Amendment d. Race: whites are more likely to vote e. Gender: women more likely to vote
2. Many people are simple not eligible to vote a. Minimum age of 18 -should there be a maximum? b. Must be a U.S. citizen c. people in prison; convicted felons; mental competence
3. Does low voter turnout even matter? a. previous voter turnout overstated -19 th century elections filled with fraud b. If voters represent a cross-section of the U.S., then low turnout is relatively unimportant c. The problem is the older whites with higher education are overrepresented d. Should the U.S. have a “Voting Holiday?”