WCRP Open Science Conference October 2011 Denver, Colorado, USA Climate Research in Service to Society
WCRP Open Science Conference Assembly of WCRP affiliated researchers and partners (~1500 participants) Exclusive opportunity for exchange and collaboration across diverse research communities (e.g., WCRP, WWRP, IGBP, IHDP, …) working to advance understanding and prediction of climate variability and change across scales The Conference will: Appraise current state of climate science ( IPCC AR5) Identify most urgent scientific issues and research challenges Ascertain how WCRP can best facilitate research and develop partnerships critical for progress Facilitate growth of future, diverse workforce
International Scientific Committee Jim Hurrell, Chair, NCAR, USA Ghassem Asrar, WCRP, Switzerland Sandrine Bony, LMD/IPSL, France Tony Busalacchi, ESSIC/U. Md, USA Christian Jakob, Monash U., Australia Rik Leemans, ESSP Chair, Netherlands Jerry Meehl, NCAR, USA Terry Nakajima, U. Tokyo, Japan Carlos Nobre, IGBP Chair, Brazil Ted Shepherd, Univ. Toronto, Canada Julia Slingo, MetOffice, UK Koni Steffen, Univ. Colorado, USA Kevin Trenberth, NCAR, USA Carolina Vera, Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina Martin Visbeck, IFM-GEOMAR, Germany WCRP Open Science Conference
Daily Conference Themes – Integrative aspect of WCRP Monday (early AM): Climate Research in Service to Society Monday (late AM): The Climate System Components and their Interactions Tuesday: Observation and Analysis of the Climate System Wednesday: Assessing and Improving Model and Predictive Capabilities Thursday: Climate Synthesis and Assessments Friday (early AM): Translating Scientific Understanding of Climate System into Climate Information for Decision Makers Friday (late AM): The Future of WCRP WCRP Open Science Conference
Parallel Science Sessions: MONDAY Predictability, Initialization and Prediction: Seasonal to Multi-Decadal Detecting, Understanding and Predicting Extreme Climate Events Oceans and Sea Level: Dynamics, Variability and Change TUESDAY Climate System Observations, Reprocessing and Reanalysis Variability and Predictability of Regional Climate and Monsoons Understanding Processes, Clouds, and Dynamics in Climate WEDNESDAY Assessing the Reliability of Climate Models and CMIP5 Variability and Change: Diagnostic and Empirical Studies Radiative Forcing and Chemistry-Climate Coupling THURSDAY Land, Water, Hydrology and Climate Cryosphere and Climate Anthropogenic Climate Change WCRP Open Science Conference
Poster Sessions: MONDAY: Climate System Components and Their Interactions Atmospheric Composition and Forcings (SPARC, IGBP/IGAC) Atmosphere Dynamics and Climate (SPARC, GEWEX, WWRP/THORPEX) Oceans and Climate (CLIVAR, IOC) Land and Water and Climate (GEWEX, IGBP/ILeaPS) Cryosphere and Climate (CliC) Cloud Processes and Climate (WGCM-CFMIP, GEWEX) Humans, Ecosystem and Climate (ESSP, IHDP, DIVERSITAS) WCRP Open Science Conference
Poster Sessions: TUESDAY: Observations and Analysis of the Climate System Design and Improvement of the Integrated Observing System (WOAP, GCOS, GEOSS, CEOS, CGMS etc…) Maintaining and Enhancing Ocean Observations, Including Sea Ice (CLIVAR, CliC, OOPC, GOOS, JCOMM) Atmospheric Observations (GEWEX, SPARC, AOPC, WWRP/AREP) Land Surface Processes and Observations (GEWEX/CEOP, TOPC, IGBP) Hydrological Cycle in Cold Regions, Including Permafrost, Ice Sheets and Glaciers (CliC, CLIVAR, ESSP/GWSP) Paleoclimate observations and analysis (PAGES/CLIVAR) Earth system data assimilation, analysis and synthesis (CLIVAR (GSOP), WOAP, WGNE) Integrating regional data sets into global products (CLIVAR, GEWEX, SPARC) Data management, archive, access from global to local scales (GEWEX (CEOP), WMO/WIS, ICSU/WDC) Re-analyses and syntheses of observations (WOAP, ECMWF, NOAA, NASA, JMA) Reprocessed datasets and climate data records (GEWEX (GRP), SPARC, GCOS, WMO/WIGOS) Satellite observations and their assimilation: prospects for the future (WGNE, CEOS) WCRP Open Science Conference
Poster Sessions: WEDNESDAY: Assessing and Improving Predictive Capabilities Predictability and predictions on seasonal to decadal time scales, initializing models (CLIVAR/WGSIP) Interactions of weather and climate; use of cloud resolving models (CLIVAR (WGSIP), WGNE, WWRP/THORPEX) Modeling and predictability of regional climate; downscaling (WGCM/TFRCD, WGNE) Improving climate models, including their components and parameterizations (GMPP, SPARC, CLIVAR, CliC) Quantifying and characterizing uncertainty, including use of multi-model ensembles (WGCM, ETCCDI, WWRP/THORPEX) Improving ice sheet and glacier mass balance and ice sheet dynamics (CliC) Improving energy and water cycle representation in models (GEWEX, WGNE, ESSP/GWSP) Evaluating models with observations and reanalyses, including transpose AMIP, quantitative performance metrics (WGNE, WOAP, WGCM, SPARC) Development of Earth System Models (WGCM, CliC, IGBP/AIMES) Understanding climate sensitivity and radiative feedbacks (WGCM incl CFMIP, PMIP, GEWEX) Global and Regional projections: CMIP-5 and CORDEX (WGCM) WCRP Open Science Conference
Poster Sessions: THURSDAY: Climate Synthesis and Assessments, and Future Challenges Stratospheric ozone and other trace gases (SPARC, AREP) Large-scale Climate Variability and Change (CLIVAR, SPARC, CliC, PAGES) Ocean circulation and ventilation (CLIVAR) Sea Level variability and change (WCRP crosscuts) Understanding and characterizing climate extremes (WCRP crosscuts) Cryospheric climate change, including polar regions (CliC) Attribution of causes of climate events and climate change (WGSIP, WGCM, IGBP) Air quality and effects of aerosols and pollution (SPARC, AC&C) Water resources and the hydrological cycle over land (CEOP, GWSP) Carbon cycle, ocean uptake (CLIVAR, CliC, IGBP/IMBER,SOLAS…, ESSP/GCP) Linking Climate Research to Adaptation Measures (ESSP, WMO/CCL) Research for mitigation including climate engineering options (SPARC) WCRP Open Science Conference
Agency Support Support from international sponsors too WCRP Open Science Conference
Strong Local Expertise, Interest and Support! WCRP Open Science Conference
Denver Sheraton October WCRP Open Science Conference