Time Reporting: Time Sheets TIMEKEEPER
Welcome to Training! Why PeopleSoft? What’s Your Part? PeopleSoft will help UTEP to grow. What’s Your Part? We need your skills and expertise in order to utilize PeopleSoft. It’s a vehicle and you’re the driver! Over time you will build your own history with PeopleSoft. What to Know About Training? Training is an investment in your professional growth. Be open to change
Setting Expectations Only core functionality will be available at go-live. We’re starting with limited workflow—we’ll be using processes outside of PeopleSoft for certain HR & Financial transactions. We’ll have to work through the kinks—some functionality may not work smoothly right at implementation. We’ll have to be patient—we’ll need additional time to process and enter transactions in the beginning. We will be using a PeopleSoft simulation environment during training.
What Can You Do? Feel free to ask questions and take notes. Contact the Help Desk if you encounter a glitch or forget how to complete a transaction. Revisit the training webpage to review training materials and videos. Become your office’s “Go-To” person. Be willing to offer your help. Attend our Go-Live Work Sessions—open lab time you can use to process live documents/transactions.
Timekeeper Roles and Responsibilities: Timekeepers on campus will have the ability to enter, correct and submit Time Sheet and Absence entries for their respective departments. Timekeepers can modify timesheets within the past 90 days. Adjustments after 90 days of an event will be handled by the Payroll Office.
What IS Changing? “One-stop” for entering timesheet information and leave requests. Usage and payouts for overtime and comp time will be dependent on the Time Reporting Code(TRC). Unpaid salary TRC will be used in lieu of dock-in pay process done in HRMS now. All Classified exempt and Non-exempt employees will have a pre-determined work schedule. No emergency checks anymore. Submitting time ahead of time…. Pre-determined work schedule and over pay,
What is NOT changing? Current campus leave policies and procedures will apply. Pre-approval for overtime and comp time. Overtime hours will be banked and the department will decide on the approval of scheduled payouts.
Time Reporting Entries Timekeepers will be able to enter and submit timesheets for the following employee types: Employees Timesheet Classified Exempt No* Classified Non-Exempt Faculty No A & P Hourly Employees Yes Hourly Students *Note: Timekeeper will only need to submit timesheet to enter comp time, overtime and/or any other special circumstances as determined by the University policy.
Hourly Employee Timesheet
Entering Time in Define Pay period is automatically selected for you. Press enter to view the list. Enter the approved hours for the employees.
Entering Time in PeopleSoft Look up an individual using one of the search characters or use % for Empl ID to look for all the employees in your department. Switch to hourly timesheet
Entering Time in PeopleSoft
Navigation In PeopleSoft Main Menu> Manager Self Service> Time Management> Report Time> Timesheet
Timesheet Process 1 2 Look up the individual using one of the search characters or use % for Empl ID to look for all the employees in your department. Click on Get Employees. Select the desired work week and click the Refresh icon on the right. Select the employee. 3 4
Timesheet Process Time reporting codes are pre-associated with the employee. Leave it blank for hourly and student employees. Enter the hours worked under the Quantity. Enter the work schedule for the employee. Click on Submit to complete the time entry. 6 5 7 8
Time Reporting Code (TRC) Available Time reporting Codes: CBCMP – Call Back Comp – Comptime OCP – Overtime Comp Payout OTDEC – OT Comp Decrement (Not Applicable to UTEP) PREG – Project Regular STCTS – State Comp Taken STDEC – State Comp Decrement (Not Applicable to UTEP TMPW – Temporary Work UPDS – Unpaid Salary
Timesheet Process Once submitted the Timesheet is auto-approved. Click OK to complete the process.
Timesheet Scenarios Examples Scenario 1: Entering Hours for a Part-time employee. Scenario 2: Entering Over-time Hours. Scenario 3: Entering Comp Time. Scenario 4: Requesting Over-time (comp time).
References Additional information and resources can be found on the PeopleSoft website. Job Aids Power Point slides Key Terms/Glossary Quick Guides Crosswalk Links to UPK http://PeopleSoft.utep.edu
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