THE ROAD TOWARDS HARMONISATION OF ACCESS/SERVICE TO ICT – LESSONS LEARNT Bridget Mphatso Linzie, CRASA Acting Executive Secretary Workshop on Guidelines on Universal Access/Service Gabon 21 June 2012 ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
ToRs for ToolKit Development Process in Development of Toolkit CONTENTS Background to CRASA ToRs for ToolKit Development Process in Development of Toolkit Status of UA/S Programs in SADC Lessons learnt ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
BACKGROUND Established in year 1997 under the Article 10.7 (b) of the SADC Protocol on TCM A consultative body to deal with the harmonisation of ICT regulatory framework in SADC Merged with SAPRA in June 2011 ( Ministerial directive) and current focus in harmonisation of postal and ICTs regulatory frameworks (maximisation of value and benefits of a converged policy and regulatory environment) Apart from Madagascar and Seychelles
BACKGROUND Enhance regulation and promote regulatory framework harmonisation in SADC Promote investment in the sector Promote regional integration (Merge the small national ICT and Postal markets to relatively larger ones and enable firms to exploit the achieved economies of scale) Promote universal network development and universal access to postal and ICT services; Promote the adoption of best practices, exchange of ideas and information and expertise Act as a common voice for SADC Postal and ICT regulators on international arena (credibility, visibility and better negotiating outcomes at the international fora) ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
ToRs for Development of SADC UAS Toolkit Status of access to ICTs Status of Policy framework for UAS Status of Universal Access Funding Status of Universal Access Projects Take stock Constraints to achievement of universal access to ICTs Constraints in utilisation of funds Sustainability factors for Universal Access projects Identify ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
ToRs for Development of SADC UAS Toolkit Against Regional and International representative Case studies that successfully implemented UA projects Benchmark Toolkit to be a guideline in : Policy Framework development/Review Re-defining services to target for UA Defining a successful UA project Develop ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
Processes Assessment study on status of UA/S and UAF (CRASA) Early 2009 Assessment study on status of UA/S and UAF (CRASA) Mid 2010 Development of TORs in Consultation with CRASA Universal Service Committee Late 2010 Consultancy Studies ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
Processes Early 2011 Validation Workshop (Policy makers, regulators, operators and Universal Service Fund Agencies) Endorsement of CRASA AGM Mid 2011 Approval of SADC Ministers ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
Old SADC UAS Definition OUTCOME Old SADC UAS Definition Provision of basic telecommunications services and internet New SADC UAS Definition services beyond fixed and mobile voice are included, which could include Internet, broadband and broadcasting @ Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2009
CURRENT STATUS ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
Lessons Learnt Definition of Universal Service/Access must be rooted in realities of local experiences, circumstances and diversities Definition of Universal service/access revolutionise with time Need for innovation and creativity in identification of service to be under USAF: mobile ICTs have taken over the Fixed ICTs in provision of Universal Access Need to consider addition of new services (Broadband/Digital Broadcasting) ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
Monitoring mechanism critical Multi stakeholder approach vital Lessons Learnt Monitoring mechanism critical Multi stakeholder approach vital Learn but do not copy, Africa needs to find African-driven solutions to Universal Access ©Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa 2012
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