2 Energy balance is used as a tool for analyzing country’s energy situation in each year and also for showing the energy structure of the country in area of production, import, export, transformation and final consumption.
- Domesti c Producti on - Net Import (Import- Export) Primary Energy Supply Crude Oil Natural Gas - Solar - Hydro - Wind - Biomass * - Biogas - Garbage/M SW - Biofuel - Geothermal Energy Renewable Energy - Other (Black Liquor & Residual Gas) Electricit y Charcoa l Petroleum Products - Crude Oil and - Biofuel (Ethanol & Biodie sel) - Natural Gas (LPG) - Petroleum Refineries - Power Plants - NG. Processing Plants - Other Conversion Energy Transformation - Agricultu re - Mining - Manufactu ring - Constructi on - Residential - Commerci al - Transporta tion Final Energy consumption Coal Electricity (Net Import) Petroleum Products Renewable Energy - Biomass (Fuel Wood, - Biogas - Garbage/M SW - Solar (Heating) 4 Coal Condens ate Paddy Husk, Bagasse Agricultural waste (Net Import) - Coal/lignite - Natural Gas - Renewable Energy (Fuel wood and paddy husk) - Own uses and Losses - Non – energy uses Natural Gas
5 Independent Power Producer : IPP Other Conversion Electricity Charcoal
Petroleum Products Electricity Agricult ure 6
Mini ng Petroleum Products Electricity 7
Manufactu ring 8 Coal Natural Gas Petroleum Products Electricity Renewable Energy - Biomass (Fuel Wood, Paddy Husk, Bagasse, Agriculture Waste) - MSW - Biogas
Constru ction Petroleum Products 9
Reside ntial 10 Petroleum Products Electricity Renewable Energy - Biomass (Fuel Wood, Charcoal, Paddy Husk)
Commer cial Petroleum Products Natural Gas 11 Electricity
Natural Gas (NGV,LPG) Petroleum Products Electricity Transport ation 12
17 Thailand Energy statistics 2010 (preliminary data) on web site : March 2011 publication : April 2011 Thailand Energy situation 2010 on web site : September 2011 publication : December 2011 Oil and Thailand 2010 on web site : September 2011 publication : December 2011 Electric Power of Thailand 2010 on web site : September 2011 publication : December 2011 Thailand Alternative Situation 2010 on web site : September 2011 publication : December 2011 Thailand Energy statistics 2010 (pocket size) on web site : September 2011 publication : December 2011
19 Final Energy Consumption by type Final Energy Consumption by Economic Sectors
20 For energy transformation, especially for power sector, it is difficult to gather an amount of energy use in private power sector. This is sometimes to estimate by using data of the latest year, for example, an amount of coal is used for producing 1 Gwh of electricity. In order to complete data on a part of energy transformation, a data of each power plant is prepared in details of install capacity (MW), electricity generation (Gwh) and fuel use for producing electricity (physical/ktoe unit). Data availability For industrial sector, survey of using coal is very important but this is not able to do every year. Therefore, coal consumption is estimated by sending questionnaires to producer/importer and cross-checked by using data of coal production and import from government agencies.
21 There are many problems on renewable energy issues due to the methodology using for calculating and collecting data which are put in energy balance is very complicated as well as, at present, there are no regulations for reporting on renewable energy consumption. Renewable Energy for example ………..
22 It is necessary to know energy potential of solar and wind in order to use for cross-checking of electricity generated from such energy. For solar heating, there are some missing data due to the lack of data on solar collector distributers, survey on the use of solar collectors is, therefore, very important to verify data of solar heating. Solar and wind energy The calculation for energy potential of biomass which consist of fuel wood, charcoal, paddy husk, bagasse, and agriculture waste is used for cross-checking of biomass consumption in industrial and residential sectors. Biomass
23 The calculation for energy potential of garbage/Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) used for cross-checking of MSW consumption in industrial sector is very complicated due to it is used as fuel directly (combustion waste) and also as gaseous fuel (landfill waste). Garbage or MSW It is very difficult to calculate energy potential of biogas due to biogas is produced from animal waste and industrial waste, this is, therefore, necessary for using of survey on biogas consumption in industrial and other sectors. Biogas