Team : Stephanie Long Nina Wong Sara Wilson Diana Shelby
The purpose of our Rube Goldberg machine: › Raise a banner › Trigger another team’s machine We used materials in our room and things we found in Estabrook 13 to create our machine. The cost of Bake Me A Cake is approximately $18.65
Bake Me A Cake starts by pulling a string that rotates a wheel with a ball inside. The ball is then released onto a ramp which directs the ball into a cup hanging from a pulley. The pulley will then trigger two reactions: › Releasing the hinge below the coffee pot to trigger the blender which will raise the banner. › Pull the egg beater from beneath the ramp to allow a ball to roll onto another teams machine.
Torque › Wheel › Pulley › Blender › Coffee Pot Angular Momentum › Coffee Pot › Wheel › Ramp Projectile Motion › Ball onto ramp › Ball into cup Center of Mass › Final Ramp Translational Kinetic Energy › Ball rolling Linear Momentum (Collision) › Ball into cup -> inelastic
Translational Kinetic Energy › Ball rolling on ramp › Mgh= ½ mv 2 (32.2 ft/s 2 )(.458 ft.)= ½ v 2 V=5.433 ft/s Torque › Ball, Pulley, and Cup › Torque=Frsin Θ τ=(.0625lbs)(.0521ft)si n(115˚) τ= ft-lbs
Problems we came across.. › The blender wires connecting to the switch became undone each time we put it away. › Making sure the wheel turned completely to drop the ball Building B-MAC was a lot of fun and a lot of work! But the end result was worth our effort.