Advocacy and Personalisation “Real choice and control depends on people having the right information to take decisions, and on getting support if it is needed. This is where advocacy comes into its own. For this reason the role of advocates will become more important as the transformation of social care gathers pace.” (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2009) 1
Advocacy Hub Mental Health Learning Disabilities Over 60s Physical Disabilities Sensory Impairments 2
At the Advocacy Hub we believe : That regardless of eligibility, service users could need support to access assessments and to understand the process of self directed support That service users could require support to ensure they can access all the information they need to make a decision about self directed support, at any stage, including support planning and brokerage stages That service users could require support to challenge decisions relating to their care e.g. challenging financial allocations That service users could require support to ensure their support plan reviews take into account their choices and wishes, and any changes that have taken place in their lives that have an effect on their care. 3
In relation to personalisation we see the advocacy role as: Promoting autonomy and supporting people’s decision making Helping to mitigate the undue interference of others Enabling individuals to recognise the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of different options available to them Providing on going longer term support to navigate all aspects of the personalisation system Empowering people to be able to say what they want Working alongside people to ensure there is a genuine shift of control and decision-making, rather than falling back to traditional service-centred ways Helping to shift people’s perceptions so that they are aware of alternatives beyond traditional services Raising awareness amongst service users of personalisation – the right to assessment, timely reviews and to have increased choice and control over their health, care and other support needs Using holistic methods and person -centred planning tools Working collaboratively to ensure that personalisation doesn’t put further strain on families and carers. 4
Our experience so far Limited to a few clients across the Advocacy Hub. Salford Being Heard recently supported an existing client with a learning disability who is in supported accommodation with Creative Support. He needed help with his 1-1 support hours for which he received a direct payment. SBH supported him to work out what he wanted, to communicate this to his social worker and then to interview for a personal assistant. SBH also facilitate advocacy groups using person- centred thinking tools and discussion tools such as The Keys to Citizenship – Simon Duffy. Offering practical advice covering all the main topics that should be considered when helping someone with a learning disability to plan for their future: self-determination direction community life home support money 5
Equality of Access Ensuring that people with learning disabilities, mental health issues, older people and people from BME communities are able to make informed choices and have as much opportunity for personalisation, dignity and respect as other citizens. 6
Advocacy Vs Brokerage Recognising the difference between the two roles. Elements of advocacy in the brokerage process. Advocacy – long term involvement with clients/service users. Probably won’t be involved in the implementation of the outcome of advocacy. Brokerage – short-term involvement with clients/service users. Will probably be involved in the implementation of the outcome of advocacy in some way. 7
‘’Our view is that independent advocacy should be promoted and offered to service users at all stages of the journey to self directed support. Furthermore, it should be recognised that Personalisation is about much more than just social care, but is about ensuring service users have choice, control, and independence in all areas of their lives and across services, including housing, health, education and other service areas.’’ Gateshead Advocacy Information Network (GAIN) 8