1 General experience Péter Vári Belgrade, 28th April 2009
2 What is the basic task ? Switch-off of analogue terrestrial television programming Analogue terrestrial reception mode change to other one till ASO. What is the extra task ? Mobile TV Digital Dividend
3 What is the role of the state in this process ? International requirements: ITU EU, neighbouring countries, etc. National requirements: frequency owner control the affected markets market player, etc.
4 Strategy The countries come into conflict with similar problems and questions, but solutions will be different. Is strategy necessary before the switchover ? Strategy for..? State, market players, (including audiovisual field?) Only terrestrial or follow technical neutrality
5 Market share of ATTV. The present penetration of analogue terrestrial broadcasting. DSO is relatively easy at low or high penetration.
6 What will happen if the state does nothing? The players shape the market in an organic way. (except the terrestrial) What is the desirable development ? What large value do these frequency bands have for the broadcasters ? When ?
7 Priorities, specific objectives, indicators What will the priorities be? (strengthening media pluralism, efficient management of limited resources, etc.) How many priorities will there be ? What will the specific objectives be? (ASO should not mean that popular free channels will be lost, promotion of effective compression procedures, etc.) How many objectives will there be ? What will the indicators be? (percentage of DTT households, number of MPEG 4 STB) How many indicators will have ? Instruments to achieve our objectives. (public policy, regulatory tools, forms of subsidy) He who grasps much holds little.
8 After answering the basic questions Which method helps to achieve our goals ? (with or without application for operating DTT network) What will the object of application be? (multiplex, transmission or both ?) How many multiplex will there be in the tender(s) ? Would we like to reach the competition into this platform ? Will there be real competition ? Which model fits in the strategy ? Strong multiplex Week multiplex Or mixed Who would like to define the business model ? Legislation: necessary to modify or not ? Timetable: define the deadline and rules for ASO
9 Digital Switchover After the DTTV service is launched the state and regulators must: work together with the market players. control the process for the success of digital switchover
10 Forget something ? Yes, while the operator is building the digital network the analogue terrestrial broadcasting should remain at the same quality level as far as possible during the simulcast.
11 Thank you for your attention.