Easter vegetable pie Torta Pasqualina
Why “Pasqualina” pie? This pie has extremely ancient origins (it existed in 1400), and it is a famous typical dish of Genoa, so called because they used to prepare it and eat especially at Easter – and we still do.
What is it? It is a salty pie with: Beet or artichokes Extra-virgin olive oil Black pepper Eggs Pastry Parmigiano reggiano Ricotta (kind of cottage cheese)
The tradition of “torta Pasqualina” The tradition wants the layers of the pasqualina pastry to be exactly 33, in memory of the years of Jesus.
Wash the vegetables and cook them in a little salted water for ten or more minutes. Preparation of the pie
Beat four eggs with the ricotta, add salt, pepper and parmesan. Amalgamate the beet or artichokes and oil. Grease a cake pan with oil and spread a portion of pastry on the bottom and walls. Preparation of the pie
Put the vegetable and cheese mix into the pan and make six small holes. Open six eggs and put them in the holes. Sprinkle more cheese and pepper and cover with pastry. Close the edges Brush the surface of the cake with a beaten egg and bake at 200° for about an hour. At the end…
The pie is ready! Enjoy it!