Passive voice Rules and examples
Passive voice – trpno stanje Auxiliary verbs have/be (in the original tense) Subject and object switch places, putting the focus on the action itself. It is not important who is performing the action. They play football Football is played (by them). ? Do they play football? Is football played (by them)? They don’t play football Football is not played (by them). ? Do they not play football? Is football not played (by them)? Past participle of the main verb (worked, been, done, seen, put…)
PASSIVE OF VARIOUS TENSES Active voice of tensesPassive voice of tenses Present simple I bake cakes Present continuous I am baking a cake Past simple I baked a cake Past continuous I was baking a cake Present perfect I have baked a cake Present perfect continuous I have been baking cakes Future simple I will bake cakes Present simple The cakes are baked Present continuous The cake is being baked Past simple The cake was baked Past continuous The cake was being baked Present perfect The cake has been baked Present perfect continuous Cakes have been baked Future simple The cakes will be baked
The use of passive Focus on the action or result, rather than the subject behind it Polite or diplomatic statements, with the agent left out (no responsibility indicated). - He was arrested by the police - The victim was found early in the morning - Poverty will be eradicated. - A great advancement has been made. - Venus can be seen early in the morning - Crime was halved after radical measures had been introduced. - A mistake has been made. - Flashy and loud advertisements are made to attract attention. - Many tears were shed. - Ozone layer is being destroyed. Note that in any of these cases, the subject may be omitted because it is already familiar*