Tangipahoa Parish’s Implementation of Common Core State Standards Implementation Update Presented by: LADOE and Tangipahoa Parish School System Fall 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Tangipahoa Parish’s Implementation of Common Core State Standards Implementation Update Presented by: LADOE and Tangipahoa Parish School System Fall 2011

Louisiana Department of Education CCSS Implementation Plan Timeline Review with Updates Terminology of the Common Core State Standards Crosswalks and Grade-Level Content Comparisons –Format –How to Read Documents –Recommended Uses Questions and Answers Agenda 2

Louisiana Department of Education Implementation Timeline with Updates 3 Louisiana’s CCSS Implementation Plan

Louisiana Department of Education PreKCurrent New KCurrentNew Grade 1CurrentNew Grade 2CurrentTransitionalNew Grades 3-8CurrentTransitional New High School CurrentTransitional New Implementation Overview New assessments and new LCC for ELA and mathematics will be phased in over several years No changes - current curriculum, current assessments Curriculum and assessments based on CCSS only Curriculum - some GLEs deleted, some GLEs remain, some CCSS added Assessments – based on GLEs that remain in curriculum

Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan ELA and Math  Create new Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum (LCC) to align with CCSS for grades K-1 transitional LCC for grades 2 and higher –Delete activities based on GLEs that have no match with CCSS –Add activities to address new content required by CCSS : Current Year 5 Social Studies and Science  Create new Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum (LCC) to align new social studies standards  Review Next Generation Science Standards (Spring 2012) to determine their appropriateness to replace current Louisiana science standards

Louisiana Department of Education TPSS Plan Increase awareness of Common Core transition –Leadership meetings –Faculty meetings –Teacher and Parent advisory group –Electronic copies of Grade-Level Content Comparison documents sent to teachers. Preparation for Implementation –Once the new LCC is received for ELA and math in K and 1 st grade and K-12 Social Studies (end of May) – copies will be made for each applicable teacher. If time and finances permit, teachers will meet during the summer to align instructional resources to new LCC If that is not possible, teachers will review and align the new LCC during the year. –Transitional curriculum sent electronically to teachers when received : Current Year

Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan ELA and Math  Implement new LCC in grades K -1 aligned to ELA and math CCSS transitional LCC in grades 2 and higher in ELA and math  Create new LCC for grades 2 and higher aligned to ELA and math CCSS : Transition Year #1 7 Social Studies and Science  Implement new LCC* in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC* in World Geography, World History, African American Studies (recommended)  Create new LCC in grades K-12 science * or locally-developed curriculum  Create new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards

Louisiana Department of Education TPSS Plan Required implementation of new LCC/CCSS –K and 1 st grade (ELA, math, and SS) –Civics and US History Increased focus on GLEs that remain and new CCSS activities to add. (see Grade-Level Comparison Chart) –GLEs that remain will be the only ones assessed during the transitional years. Once new Pre-K and 2 nd grade LCC is received copies will be made for teachers. –Teachers will be asked to align their instructional resources to the new LCC in preparation for implementation in the school year : Transition Year #1

Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan ELA and Math  Implement new LCC in grade 2 in ELA and math  Continue to use transitional LCC in grades 3 and higher : Transition Year #2 9 Social Studies and Science  Continue to use new LCC in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC in World Geography and World History (recommended)  Implement new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards

Louisiana Department of Education TPSS Plan : Transition Year #2 10 Required implementation of new LCC –Pre-K (all subjects) –2 nd Grade (ELA, math, and SS) –World Geography and World History Continue to focus on GLEs that remain and new CCSS activities to add. (see Grade-Level Comparison Chart) –GLEs that remain will be the only ones assessed during the transitional years. Once new LCC is received copies will be made for teachers. –Teachers will be asked to align their instructional resources to the new LCC in preparation for full implementation in the school year.

Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan Full Implementation at all grades and core content areas –Common Core State Standards in ELA and math –State-revised standards for social studies and science –New LCC for all grades and subjects : Full CCSS Implementation 11

Louisiana Department of Education 12 Common Core State Standards New Assessments

Louisiana Department of Education Assessment Transition Plan ELA and Math  : No change to current assessments  and : Transitional assessments for grades 3-8 and high school Aligned with transitional LCC Adjust by using existing items that best align with CCSS that match GLE –Content focus may change –“Cut scores” and level of difficulty will remain the same –Omit content that will be discontinued, emphasize existing content that aligns with CCSS –New CCSS content will not be added until Science and Social Studies  : No change to current assessments  and : New US History EOC No change in other social studies and science assessments (still under consideration)

Louisiana Department of Education PARCC will develop an assessment system composed of four components. Each component will be computer- delivered and will leverage technology to incorporate innovations. –Two summative assessment components designed to Make “college- and career-readiness” and “on-track” determinations Measure the full range of standards and full performance continuum Provide data for accountability uses, including measures of growth –Two formative assessment components designed to Generate timely information for informing instruction, interventions, and professional development during the school year In ELA/literacy, an additional third formative component will assess students’ speaking and listening skills PARCC Assessment Plan 14

Louisiana Department of Education Summative Assessment Components: –Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) administered as close to the end of the school year as possible. ELA/literacy PBA focus - writing effectively when analyzing text Mathematics PBA focus - applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools –End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) administered after approx. 90% of the school year. ELA/literacy EOY focus - reading comprehension Math EOY - composed of innovative, machine-scorable items PARCC Assessment Plan 15

Louisiana Department of Education PARCC Assessment Plan Formative Assessment Components: –Early Assessment indicator of student knowledge and skills allows instruction, supports, and professional development to be tailored to meet student needs –Mid-Year Assessment performance-based items and tasks emphasis on hard-to-measure standards 16

Louisiana Department of Education 17 Common Core State Standards Grade-Level Content Comparison Reports

Louisiana Department of Education Grade-Level Content Comparison Reports Locate the How to Read Math Grade-Level Content Comparison Report document Purpose of Reports –to illustrate how the CCSS and Louisiana’s GLEs align by grade –to provide teachers a “road map” of how to implement the CCSS over time One report per grade level –Example: There is a Grade 4 report for math and a separate report for Grade 8. All grade-level reports are in one PDF file on the LDOE website. 18

Louisiana Department of Education Grade-Level Content Comparison Reports Developed from Crosswalk Documents –Chart 1: Content to be Added to Grade or Course: CCSS in stated grade did not match a GLE in stated grade Designates year in which new CCSS is to be implemented in transitional curriculum –Chart 2: Content to be Deleted from a Grade or Course: GLE in stated grade did not match a CCSS in stated grade –Chart 3: Content Remains the Same in a Grade or Course: a match (as defined earlier) existed between a CCSS and a GLE in the same grade In high school math, Louisiana course standards were matched with Achieve Traditional Pathway Courses (CCSS Math Appendix CCSS). –Plus (+) standard are NOT included in the crosswalks. 19

Louisiana Department of Education 20 Page 1: How to Read Math Content Comparison

Louisiana Department of Education 21 Page 2: How to Read Math Content Comparison

Louisiana Department of Education Page 3: How to Read Math Content Comparison 22

Louisiana Department of Education Page 4: How to Read Math Content Comparison 23

Louisiana Department of Education Common Core State Standards 24 Uses for Crosswalk and Grade-Level Content Comparison Documents

Louisiana Department of Education Uses of Crosswalk Documents Crosswalk Documents –Used by state to develop Grade-Level Content Comparison Reports –Possible uses by districts Understand how content of a CCSS differs from a matched GLE Determine shifts in content (how much sooner/later is a content/skill to be mastered in CCSS) 25

Louisiana Department of Education Uses of Crosswalk Documents Grade-Level Content Comparisons –Used by state to Determine GLEs that should be retained in a grade during the transitional years to prevent potential curricular gaps Determine assessable GLEs and create blueprints for transitional assessments Create transitional curriculum –Identify activities modified/added to address a CCSS –Identify activities that will be implemented in –Possible uses by districts Make teachers aware of content changes beginning in Revise locally-developed curriculum for the transitional years Determine content in which students may have difficulty during transition; consider ways to introduce some new CCSS in current school year Determine instructional materials needed to successfully implement new content during transitional years 26

Louisiana Department of Education 27 Questions and Answers

Louisiana Department of Education Common Core State Standards Call Toll Free Need More Information? 28

Resources for Common Core State Standards

Louisiana Department of Education 30 LDOE Home Page

Louisiana Department of Education 31 Common Core State Standards Page

Louisiana Department of Education 32 Common Core State Standards Page

Louisiana Department of Education 33 Webinar/Training Page

Louisiana Department of Education 34 Common Core State Standards Page

Louisiana Department of Education Math CCSS Main Page 35