1 Cup of Plot The story is about a girl named Abigail Jane Stewart and she lived peacefully with her family. She has 2 sisters and 1 baby brother. Her sisters name are Sally and Elisabeth and her brothers name is Jonny. One day Abigail saw the Continental Army camping near her house. In the cold winter she saw them getting sick and dying and bleeding. She even saw them stealing food and hens from her farm. But George Washington and his wife Martha were nice to Abby and her family. Abby also worked for them she got to do there laundry and got paid 40 shillings a week. Martha also took Abby to see sick soldiers and took her on many other adventures.
2 Teaspoons of CHARACTER Main characters: Abigail Jane Stewart is 11.She lives at Valley Forge.She writes a diary about what it was like to be a solider. She is always trustworthy helpful and caring girl. George Washington is a General. He is also a very good leader of the Continental Army. He is always nice to Abby and his wife and he treats hi Army nicely as well too. Martha Washington is George Washington. Abby accomplished her on trips to visit the sick soldiers. She is also nice to Abby and her family. Also caring and treats her husband George Washington nicely.
2 Tablespoons of EXCITEMENT It was George Washington's 46 birthday.His wife Martha and Abby were planning a surprise party for him. So they got 40 dozen of eggs and 40 pounds of sugar and the other stuff you need to make cake. And when he arrived at his house a bunch of rich people plus Abby said happy birthday. George Washington really happy. So when the party was over Martha gave Abby some left over from the cake.
Mix thoroughly and bake. When cool, frost with special icing: A. ½ Cup of Opinion: I liked how Abby was able to see George Washington and was able to accompany Martha on her trips to help the soldiers. Why? I think its cool to meet George Washington the general because and be friends with his wife and see sick soldiers.
Mix thoroughly and bake. When cool, frost with special icing: B. 1 Teaspoon of Recommendation: People who love to read bout history will enjoy this book. Why? They will enjoy this book because it talks about the revolutionary war and the daily life of George Washington ( the general of the Continental Army ). It also talked about the Continental Army stay at valley forge winter.
Finally sprinkle on the following information: Abby always hated Tommy an annoying boy. He use to do bad stuff to Abby like throw mud at her shoes.But one day a tragic thing happened. As Tommy was chasing Abby in the snow he fell down a river. Tommy's mother was crying and Abby wished she had never died she wishes she had liked him.
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