State & Federal Advocacy 101 St. Stephen’s Community Engagement Program Cathy Heying
Who are our Legislators? Lawyers Teachers Nurses Nonprofit Manager Business Owners Social Workers Psychologists Chiropractor Community Organizers Chief of Police Insurance Agents Economists Consultants Farmers CEOs Real Estate Agents Rep. Jim Abeler (R) Rep. Rena Moran (DFL) Sen. Michelle Benson (R) Sen. Jeff Hayden (DFL) Sen. Scott Dibble (DFL) Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (R)
2014 is a Bonding Year: 88 th Minnesota Legislature
Governor Dayton & Legislature
In 2014, the job of Gov and Legislature is to review make capital investments (bonding), with limited policy consideration Capital Investments (bonding)Policy Homes for All: invest $100 million in bonds for affordable housing. These bonds would provide for approximately 5,000 units to be rehabilitated or constructed, serving low-income Minnesotans throughout the state. ▫Build and rehabilitate supportive housing ▫Preserve and rehabilitate affordable housing ▫Stabilize communities impacted by foreclosure crisis MFIP Education Bill: remove training and education barriers for parents enrolled in MFIP: access Adult Basic Education/earn a GED as a work activity, enrollment in post-secondary programs, 12- week job search timeframe instead of 6, remove barriers for ESL classes Prosperity for All: raise the state minimum wage to $9.50.
A bonding year is when the government makes decisions about infrastructure needs and borrows money to meet those needs.
TAKE ACTION! Who represents you? Federal (D.C.) Senator Amy Klobuchar Senator Al Franken Representative Keith Ellison (Minneapolis) Representative Betty McCollum (St. Paul) State (St. Paul) Governor Dayton 1 State Senator 1 State Representative
FEDERAL LEVEL Federal Level Advocacy is a bit more challenging. Because Government is so big at that level, things move much slower and it can be harder to see the results of our efforts. Always call or write a personal letter rather than at this level. Stay connected with national advocacy groups to help you wade through the bureaucracy!
Contact Your Representatives Call during the day Call at night Write a letter Write an Set up a meeting at the capitol Set up a meeting in your neighborhood Friend them on Facebook “Like” their Fan Page Follow their Twitter account
Other Ways to Stay Active Follow the MN Coalition for the Homeless on Facebook for Action Alerts! Join advocates from around the state on a conference call at 3pm every Thursday by calling Code: # Connect your friends and families with their legislators in greater MN and surrounding suburbs