Lesson 2 Vocabulary
maven A maven is someone with special knowledge about a particular subject. Babe Ruth is probably the most famous baseball maven the world has ever known.
maven A maven is someone with special knowledge about a particular subject. If a baking maven offered to bake your birthday cake, would the cake most likely be… 1. delicious? 2. disgusting?
mortified If you feel mortified, you feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed. Ginger was mortified when her parents started dancing in front of her friends.
mortified If you feel mortified, you feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed. Turn and tell your partner of a time you were mortified
reigned If someone has reigned, he or she has been very important in a particular place. It was common knowledge in the community that Tanner reigned on the pitcher’s mound.
reigned If someone reigned, he or she has been very important in a particular place. Was a player who once reigned on the basketball court a … 1. good player? 2. bad player?
conceited A conceited person thinks too highly of herself or himself. Everyone thought that Thomas was very conceited because he was convinced that he was the best football player that had ever lived.
conceited A conceited person thinks too highly of herself or himself. What might a conceited football player say to his teammates? Turn and act it out to your partner. Begin your conversation like this: “If I were a conceited football player, I might say … “
designated If a place is designated, it has been chosen for a special purpose. During tornado drills, we always go to specific places in the hallways that have been designated as tornado-safe areas.
designated If a place is designated, it has been chosen for a special purpose. If someone were afraid of dogs, would they… 1. go to parks designated for dogs? 2. stay away from parks designated for dogs?
smirk A smirk is an unkind smile. Cameron had a smirk on his face after defeating the rival team in the Scholars’ Bowl competition.
smirk A smirk is an unkind smile. How would you feel if a stranger looked at you with a smirk on his face? 1. comfortable 2. uneasy
exhilarated If something exhilarated you, it made you feel very excited and energetic. The hikers felt exhilarated after finally making it to the top of the mountain.
exhilarated If something exhilarated you, it made you feel very excited and energetic. If you are exhilarated about something, would you feel … 1. angry? 2. thrilled?