Went to Los Ninos Elementary and Chaparral Jr. High Graduated from Desert View High School 1991 Graduated from Prescott College in 1996 with a BA in Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Went to Los Ninos Elementary and Chaparral Jr. High Graduated from Desert View High School 1991 Graduated from Prescott College in 1996 with a BA in Education Taught at Apollo for 17 years and Desert View 1 year Has been married for 23 years Has 5 children Enjoys teaching math

* 16 years old * Junior at Sahuaro High School * Know it all of the family and Queen Bee

* 14 years old * Freshman at Sahuaro High school * Trouble maker of the family

* 13 years old * 8 th grade at Lauffer Middle school *Drama Queen

* 12 years old * 7 th grade at Gridley Middle School * Daddy’s helper and selfie king

* 10 years old * 5 th grader at Soleng Tom * Baby of the family but bigger than his 12 year old brother.

· Multiple Representations · Functions · Exploring Rate of Change · Moving Beyond Slope-Intercept · Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities · Systems of Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities · Other Methods for Solving Systems · Creating Linear Models for Data · Descriptive Statistics · Nonlinear Relationships · Laws of Exponents · Exponential Functions and Equations · Operations on Polynomials · Modeling with Quadratic Functions

To successfully complete this course, you will need to have the following material everyday for math class: Computer (with charger/backpack) Composition book Paper/graph paper Pencil (You are not allowed to use pen in math. We make too many mistakes in math to use pen) Colored pencil/high lighters will be useful

Be the THREE Rules: 1) Be Respectful * Respect yourself, your school, your peers’ property and boundaries * Support diversity * Be kind to others 2) Be Responsible *Follow classroom etiquette *Advocate for yourself *Use electrics and personal items when appropriate 3) Be Reliable *Arrive on time, prepared and organized *Turn completed work in on time *Communicate with teachers about your progress

We are in a learning environment and we need to give common courtesy to each other. Disruptions to the learning environment will be dealt with the following ways. First time - warning Second time - asked to move Third time – Call home and removed from class If you are still a disruption than interventions will be followed. **There are exceptions to this for major offences.

You must wait to go to the restroom until I am not teaching (Remember the 10 min rule) You must raise your hand and ask to go to the restroom Before you can leave the classroom you must sign out and take the pass Before you can go to the nurse we must call first and then send you with a pass. Must be a emergency. Can’t go for bandages and minor aches and pains.

Must raise your hand to get up from your seat. (Too much movement is a distractions to the learning process.) Wait to throw (recycle) paper away until I’m not teaching. No Throwing paper into waste basket (like basketball). Ask to sharpen pencil (Back of room by sink) No roaming classroom to visit friends, you can do that on your own time not mine.

Backpacks belong hanging on side of desk/back of chair/under chair. Turn all assignments into baskets on time. You may not leave the classroom until your area is picked up and the teacher dismisses you. *Remember the teacher dismisses you not the bell. When using computers remember 45° and focused. You are also to use computers for educational material only in the classroom, you will lose it otherwise.

Every quarter you start off with a 100% A in my class. It is your responsibility to keep the grade you want. Grading scale for my class is as follows: Tests are worth 35%, Performance Tasks 15%, Final and Midterms 15%, Homework 15%, and Projects/Class Activities/work 20%. We will have a unit test and performance tasks every two to three weeks (depending on unit covered), homework every night, and projects/class activities vary on unit being covered. Grading Scale: A %, B 89-80%, C 79-70%, D 69-60%, and F 59-0%

Assignments handed in late will receive a maximum of 70% credit. 1 st Quarter late work is only allowed up to one month after due date and no later than quarter 1. 2 nd Quarter late work is only allowed up to three weeks after due date and no later than quarter 2. 3 rd Quarter late work is only allowed up to two weeks after due date and no later than quarter 3. 4 th Quarter late work is only allowed up to one week after due date and no later than quarter 4. Late work received after timeline specified above will not receive credit.

Electronic Devices- **Use of cell phones or electronic devices is up to the teacher. I do not want to see them at all unless I have given you permission. Cell phones and any other MP3 players are not allowed at all during tests and if used will give you a zero on the test I do not want to see any earphones or ear buds out unless you have received permission. A warning 1 st then taken if seen again.