th Street NW, Suite 1100 NW, Washington, DC | 5/6/2015 | Page 1 DEVELOP A BUDGET
th Street NW, Suite 1100 NW, Washington, DC | 5/6/2015 | Page 2 OVERVIEW OF STEPINPUTS NEEDED Establish a quantitative understanding of your community’s baseline. Based on your plans and milestones, develop your long-term funding needs and detailed annual budget. Determine feasibility of fundraising to achieve your plan and adjust as necessary. Plans and strategies Historical budgets, as relevant Local salary trends Feasible fundraising targets DECISIONS TO MAKERISKS AND CHALLENGES Resources needed to achieve goals including staff, overhead, materials, grants, etc. Fundraising risk – depending on your fundraising opportunities, it can be difficult to secure all needed funds to deliver on a full plan. Forecasting risk – it is always a challenge to forecast what resources you will need in the future because it is dependent on external factors, your rate of spending, etc. (e.g. it could take you longer to hire a key position or you may under-estimate grant funding needed). Multi-year financial target and detailed annual budget RESULTS OVERVIEW
th Street NW, Suite 1100 NW, Washington, DC | 5/6/2015 | Page 3 USING YOUR PLAN, ESTIMATE YOUR EXPENSES. CONSIDER THESE KEY QUESTIONS WHEN YOU DEVELOP YOUR BUDGET: What number and level of staff is needed to manage the overall collaboration? What number and level of staff is needed per strategy/ program/ target (e.g. school sites/ community sites)? What outreach materials will you need ? How many local grants will you award and at what average amount per program? What other resources are needed? What overhead allocation is necessary? Will you have fundraising costs? What advocacy expenses will you have? Do you need resources for evaluation? Exercise: Resources Needed DEVELOPING YOUR BUDGET DEVELOP A HIGHER LEVEL MULTI-YEAR BUDGET AND A DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET
th Street NW, Suite 1100 NW, Washington, DC | 5/6/2015 | Page 4 SAMPLE ANNUAL BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS: This sample annual budget is for the lead partner of a No Kid Hungry campaign that is prioritizing activities to increase access to afterschool meals, summer meals, and school breakfast. Work with SNAP, WIC, and nutrition education are directly subsidized by partners. Fundraising costs and other overhead is contributed by a broader organization.