Curriculum Night Miss Pender Room 209 August 28, 2013
Welcome to Back to School Night Please fill out the “Volunteer” and “Electronic Access” form. Make sure to sign up for parent-teacher conferences on the sign up sheet taped to the to the back table. Leave a note to your child if you choose. There is blank paper on the back table.
Topics for the Evening Class schedule Monday Folder Homework Grading Scale Elementary Progress Reporting System Book orders Mail Birthdays Assignment notebooks Reading Math Science Social Studies English Art Computers Classroom behavior Communication Orchestra
Class Schedule Monday: PE 12:15-12:45 Tuesday: Music 12:00-12:30 Wednesday: LMC 11:45-12:45 Thursday: Art 11:45-12:30 Friday: Music 11:45-12:15 PE 12:15-12:45 * The children are encouraged to bring an extra pair of gym shoes for P.E. Their shoes may be stored in their locker.
Monday Folder Graded Assignments Announcements Monthly Progress Report Classroom Newsletter every other week ( ed)
Homework Homework is a chance for children to practice learning at home. It provides drill and practice, and responsibility. Remember that Homework is due the Next Day. If a child forgets or chooses not to do homework, they will receive a homework notice that has to be signed by the parent. If they choose to bring their homework the next day he or she will receive a 5 point penalty. If they forget to bring it in again they will continue to receive a 5 point penalty each day it is late. If it is not turned in by the next Friday it is a 0%.
Friday Fun/Focus Students with missing work or extreme behaviors will have to attend Friday Focus. Students with all assignments turned in will participate in Friday Fun. Focus Sheet and Think Sheets to be signed by parents and returned Monday.
Elementary Progress Reporting System Report Card will be sent home three times a year. Report card envelopes need to be signed and returned. The report cards are yours to keep.
Grading Scale Fourth grade students receive letter grades in core subjects. The grading scale is as follows: A+100C A92 – 99C A- 90 – 91D B+88 – 89D B82 – 87D B- 80 – 81U 59 and below C+78 – 79 Midterm grades will be sent home to all students.
Book Orders About every month, I will be sending home book club order forms. I try to choose book clubs that offer age-appropriate books, quality literature, and a reasonable price. Please remember that ordering from a book club is always optional. When ordering books, please make the checks payable to each individual book club. If you send cash it must be the exact amount. You may also order online through my website. Teacher Tip: Let your child complete and calculate his/her own book order.
Mail When sending notes or money to school, please make sure that the money is in an envelope with the following information on the front: child’s full name and my name. Labels help to ensure that the mail reaches its proper destination.
Birthdays Edible birthday treats are no longer allowed at Seth Paine. Non-edible items like pencils, erasers, etc. will be permitted. We have 24 students in our class.
Assignment Notebook Each student purchased an assignment notebook/planner (Thank You!) Daily check Student’s responsibility. Parent signature is required daily.
Reading Literacy Centers Guided reading (Daily 5) Novel studies (Mr. Poppers Penguins, Stone Fox, The Trumpet of the Swan, etc.) Houghton Mifflin Reading Series
Math SRA Real Math Program. This series explores important math concepts in depth. This series also has an online component. Parents and students will be able to access the textbook online. On your child’s desk is your child’s online access card. Origo Stepping Stones. This series explores the Common Core Math Standards in depth. Four Units of Study: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations (base ten, fractions), and Geometry
Science We adopted a new science curriculum last year. Our new text is by the National Geographic Society. The units used for fourth grade are classified in the following areas: Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science. Science will also be tested on the ISAT Test in the Spring.
Social Studies The theme of our social studies book is Regions. Units of study in fourth grade include: Understanding Geography, A Nation of Many Peoples, The Northeast, The South, The Midwest, The West, and The United States and the World.
English Write Source We will be studying about grammar, mechanics, spelling, composition, vocabulary, and reference and study skills. Writing will be an integral part of Language Arts. There will be many forms of writing ( Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive) that will take place in fourth grade. Essay writing, research reports, creative writing, genre specific writing. Online Component?
Spelling Spelling and Vocabulary Test every Friday. Students must learn how to spell the word and the definition of the word. Word lists are based upon Greek and Latin Roots. Spelling City
Testing MAP Tests taken three times a year (Fall/Sept., Winter/Jan., Spring/May). Fall MAP Tests: –Reading- Wednesday, Sept. 3 9:50-10:50 –Math- Wednesday, Sept. 11 th 9:50-10:50 * ISAT Tests: Math, Reading, Science given in March
Technology Video clip New Technology (Laptops, Ipods, Ipads, document camera, etc.) Website Fourth graders will be receiving formalized instruction on computers in the Learning Media Center. Students will also have the opportunity to use a variety of technology in the classroom. (Podcasts, Power Points, Research, Blogging, etc.)
Technology continued Use of the Internet by way of Internet Explorer is available to students on the laptops. Explorer will allow students to gather a much wider range of information on curriculum areas of study. Careful screening and bookmarking will be done by the classroom teacher prior to student use of the Internet information.
Behavior In going along with the district values, students are held accountable for their decisions and their behavior through consequences. There are both positive and negative consequences to their actions and we have discussed both. Open lines of communication are very important when dealing with behavior issues, so I have developed a four step discipline plan. Above the Line/Below the Line Devil Dollars
Orchestra Tuesdays Rotating Schedule The students are responsible for the work they missed when they are out of the classroom.
Communication Monday Folder (sent home every week) Newsletter ( ed every other week) Progress Reports (sent home monthly)
Teamwork Let’s work together to make this a great year for your child!! Ants