By Starr Hummel and Jamie Sorrell Sumrall High School (Lamar County) Biology Bootcamp 2012 Hands-on activities and Internet sites to create interest in the classroom.
Credit is given to the authors of activities included in this workshop whenever possible.
Lab Safety 1 Conduct a scientific investigation with accuracy and precision demonstrating safe procedures and proper use oand care of lab equipment. (DOK2) Be careful in lab.
What's sa matta lab
Little Timmy took a drink, But he will drink no more, For what he thought was H 2 0 Was H 2 SO 4 1 small beaker of water 1 small beaker of sodium Hydroxide (I know!) Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution (Sodium Hydroxide make a better display!)
Organic Chemistry
2 d Compare and contrast the structure, properties, and principle function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in living organisms. (DOK2) ORGANIC MOLECULE FOLDABLE
Enzymes 2 e Examine the life processes to conclude the role enzymes play in regulating biochemical reactions. (DOK 2) Enzyme Structure Enzyme function, including enzyme-substrate specificity and factors that effect enzyme function (pH and temperature) ons/Enzyme%20activity.html Students can make their own enzymes - examples at the front.
Enzyme Lab
Academic Vocabulary This is required at many schools...SO... Lets make it easy. I have some already made up. Aerobic/Anaerobic Academic Vocabulary
Types of Cellular Reproduction 4 B. Differentiate between types of cellular reproduction and the results of each. Asexual vs. Sexual Lab
A very unusual foldable To keep students interested when you have a lot of material to cover.
3 C. Evaluate the significance of natural events and human activities on the biosphere. 6 d Analyze and explain the roles of natural selection, including the mechanisms of speciation. (adaptations) DOK 3 Overproduction of Offspring: Turtle Survival of the Fittest Lab
Cellandia Story Processes of replication, transcription, and translation
Life Science 5 a Analyze and explain the molecular basis of heredity and the inheritance of traits to successive generations by using the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. (DOK 3) Structures of DNA and RNA Processes of replication, transcription, and translation Messenger RNA CODON charts (5 b and c are all in the following slides too!)
Sock it to me! 5 c Examine inheritance patterns using current technology. Karyotype
Tour of the Basics You can get a lot out of this website! Tour of the Basics 5a,b,c Build a protein 5a Karyotype 5c Clones – the kids love this! And there is a lot more!
Evolution 6d 6 d Analyze and explain the roles of natural selection, including the mechanisms of speciation. (adaptations) DOK 3 Peppered Moth wf wf
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USM GK12 Program All Electronic Copies of the materials presented today can be found at USM's GK12 website under the lesson plans tab: Feel free to browse through the website. GK12 is a program designed to -Improve communication between the scientist and the public -Encourage students to pursue careers in science -Enhance the scientist teachers curriculum If you are located near Hattiesburg Area, think about applying for USM's GK12 program, or check out GK12 programs at your local university.