Band Room/ Teacher Pick-up *This is the area that will house all the artwork for teachers to pick-up at the end of the event.
Band Room/ Teacher Pick-up Please be QUIET as you sort the work.
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Artwork will be placed on the tables from the Sorting Area
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Signs will divide the gym according to: DISTRICT, SCHOOL, TEACHER
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Artwork should NOT have a green dot on the back or on the sculpture box!! *If artwork has a green dot, return to Sorting Tables immediately!
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Place all artwork in neat, organized piles next to the appropriate teacher’s name. *Pay close attention to “Cy-schools” (easily mixed up)
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Be on the look-out for YELLOW JUROR FORMS -send back to Sorting Foreman immediately if you find one!
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up *Double-check, Triple-check teacher piles throughout the day to be sure artwork belongs to that teacher. *Aim for 100% accuracy
Red Gym/ Teacher Pick-up At the end of the day… *Assist teachers with finding “missing pieces” within other teacher’s piles. *Assist teachers with loading their cars at the end of the evening.
Band Hall/ Teacher Pick-up Remember to handle artwork with EXTREMECARE