Parent Drop off Please drop off between the cross walks. Pull up as far as possible. Do not let your students out before the crosswalk. If you pull into the lot and park, please walk your student across the crosswalk. Please be patient when waiting to pull into the lot. There is only one line of traffic that is pulling in from the street. Students should be ready to exit the car when the time is appropriate.
Parent Drop Off PARKING ONLY / NO STUDENT DROP OFF LANE FOR STUDENT DROP OFF Enter Exit CROSSWALK South Parking Lot – Mountain Sky Avenue Mountain Sky Avenue
Parent Pick-up Please have the Blue sign with your students first and last name, and grade level displayed in the windshield or hanging from the visor.
Parent Pick-up Pull up as far as possible and your student will be sent to your car. Students can enter cars after car passes the cross walk. PARKING ONLY / NO STUDENT PICK-UP LANE FOR STUDENT PICK- UP Enter Exit CROSSWALK South Parking Lot – Mountain Sky Avenue Student waiting zone
Stay in Your Car & Pull Forward
Let’s Put Student Safety First!