Jeopardy start
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Game board PlutonsTephraMagmaConesEruptionsMisc.
1-100 Large magma chambers that cool underground form these
1-100A What are batholiths?
1-200 Smaller versions of batholiths
1-200A What are stocks?
1-300 Small intrusive bodies oriented vertically, much like a dam
1-300A What are dikes?
1-400 These intrusive rock bodies form flat, horizontal structures
1-400A What are sills?
1-500 This structure has a “mushroom” shape to it.
1-500A What is a laccolith?
This magma is the mineralogical equivalent of the rock granite, and has the highest gas content.
2-100A What is rhyolitic magma?
2-200 Hawaiian volcanoes are made of this type of magma.
2-200A What is basaltic magma?
2-300 This magma is low in silica.
2-300A What is basaltic magma ?
2-400 This “intermediate” type of magma is formed when ocean plates subduct beneath continental rock.
2-400A What is andesitic magma?
2-500 This magma is high in silica, gas, and water.
2-500A What is rhyolitic magma ?
Tephra is classified by this.
3-100A What is size?
3-200 The smallest tephra is called this.
3-200A What is dust?
3-300 These “little stones” are ejected by eruptions of cinder cones.
3-300A What is lapilli?
3-400 The largest tephra may be angular in shape.
3-400A What are volcanic blocks?
3-500 Volcanic bombs may have this shape.
3-500A What is rounded or aerodynamic?
This is the smallest type of volcanic cone.
4-100A What is a cinder cone?
4-200 Mt. St. Helens is this volcanic type.
4-200A What is a composite cone?
4-300 This type of cone is the largest by mass and geographically.
4-300A What are shield volcanoes?
4-400 These “small” volcanoes have steeply-sloping sides.
4-400A What are cinder-cone volcanoes?
4-500 These “tourist” volcanoes contain magma that is low in silica and gases.
4-500A What are shield volcanoes?
This small tephra may pose hazards for aircrafts by clogging the engines.
5-100A What is volcanic ash?
5-200 Composite volcanoes have alternating eruptions of these two materials.
5-200A What is tephra and lava?
5-300 Flows of hot, poisonous gases from volcanoes that travel up to 125 km/hr.
5-300A What are Pyroclastic Flows?
5-400 Violent eruptions are more likely with magma with this type of viscosity.
5-400A What is high viscosity?
5-500 Melted glacial ice and tephra mudflows called this.
5-500A What are lahars?
These volcanic islands originate at a “hot spot”.
6-100A What is Hawaii?
6-200 This active Washington state volcano is the result of the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate.
6-200A What is Mt. St. Helens?
6-300 Crater Lake in Oregon is famous for being this type of volcanic structure.
6-300A What is a caldera?
6-400 Ship-rock in New Mexico is an example of this.
6-400A What is a volcanic neck?
6-500 This type of lava flow wrinkles.
6-500A What is pahoehoe?
This is the other name for a pyroclastic flow composed of hot gas and ash.
What are Nuée Ardantes?
Daily Double Round 1