Nov 1, 2011 RN - 1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Implementation Issues and Choices for VLBI data Acquisition System in DSN Robert Navarro Stephan Rogstad Joseph Trinh Chris Jacobs © 2011 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. 9 th US VLBI Technical Meeting November 1-2, 2011
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Key features of DSN VLBI Processing (DVP) System An IF Switch will handle up to 12 IF inputs from DSN antennas. Two IF inputs, each covering up to 500 MHz of bandwidth. Accepts DSN IF input band of MHz. Good for S band (2.3 GHz), X band (8.4 GHz) and Ka band (31.2 GHz) Uses JPL IF sampler module, CASPER ROACH board for Digital Processing and Channelization. Interfaces to JPL Deep Space Network monitor & control infrastructure. Records up to 32 upper/lower or 16 complex channels. Channel max BW is 32 MHz Mark5C disk packs used for data storage VEX files used for input Data stored on disk in VDIF format
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology VEX files on the DVP Vex files contain configuration information needed to run the DVP and point the DSN antennas VEX files are delivered to the DVP manually, or through another DSN subsystem DVP Script building software ( – A Python script on the which executes a VLBI pass on the DVP – Automatically triggered by delivered VEX files – Searched for relevant blocks in VEX files and parses – Produces a DVP command script and a DSN antenna pointing file VEX file blocks used – $EXPER – Getting the experiment name – $STATION – Configure which IF switch antenna input to use – $SOURCE – Antenna pointing and scan labeling – $FREQ – Configuring the channel frequency, bandwidth and bits – $IF – Determining the RF to IF downconversion oscillator value – $PHASE_CAL_DETECT – to determine whether phase-cal will be present for monitoring – $SCHED – for determining when to start and stop scan recordings and when/where to point the antenna
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 4 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology DVP Script Builder Outputs DVP Script File – A set of commands, including some time stamps – Executed on the DVP using the SCRPT command – Each command is a separate script or executable that runs in a BASH shell and performs a specific function (ie: CHAN for channel config.) Antenna Pointing File – Sent to a DSN Network Monitor and Control (NMC) computer through a shared file system and used to automatically point the antenna – Points the antenna to RA, DEC of a source at the specified time – Format of each line:
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 5 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology DVP Channelization & Sub-band filtering Wideband 1280 MHz real to seven channel 160 MHz wide channel filterbank completed. Channels centered at 80, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480 and 560 MHz. –FPGA (XC5VSX95T) Usage: 77% Slices; 70% DSP48s, 57% BRAM 32 upper/lower or 16 complex sub-channels can be formed –Max real channel BW= 16 MHz; Minimum BW = 500 Hz –Max complex channel BW = 32 MHz; Minimum BW = 1000 Hz Sub-band filtering used two stage filtering. –1 st stage is CIC filter that decimates from 2 to 10,000 –2 nd stage is Fir filter that decimates from 1 to 16 –Fir filter has 16n taps, where n = decimation factor. –Sub-band channels are complex. Changed to upper/lower representation using Hilbert transforms Processing organization means upper/lower channels always occur in contiguous pairs.
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 6 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Wideband Overlapping Filter Channels (7) 64 FIR taps per channel
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 7 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Sub-band Filter performance Filter performance mainly affected by FIR filter coefficients in second stage filtering. But for FIR decimation of 1, CIC effects are noticeable. Aim is to get 0.1 db ripple in passband and at least 40 db attenuation in stopband.
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 8 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Sub-Channel Filter Performance Filter response measured in hardware by sweeping sinusoid through band Complex, upper and lower responses plotted For these sub-channels, first stage CIC filter dec=5 and FIR filter dec=1 Fir filter compensates for CIC droop. Bumps outside passband are from first stage CIC filter Looking at ways to improve response for this case by using CIC dec = 2, FIR filter dec = 5/2.
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 9 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Sub-Channel Filter Performance Filter response measured in hardware by sweeping sinusoid through band Complex, upper and lower responses plotted For these sub-channels, first stage CIC filter dec=5 and FIR filter dec=2 Fir filter compensates for CIC droop. Bumps outside passband are from first stage CIC filter Complex rejection in stopband better than 60 db. Upper/lower filters have spike in frequencies opposite transition region. These spikes still attenuated 20 db and are in transition region.
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 10 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SubChannel Output Actual data from tone buried in noise shown below. Sub-channel is 16 MHz upper / 16 MHz lower. Cutoffs of Upper and Lower bands apparent at edges.
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 11 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology VDIF usage Would like to use VDIF, not Mark5B emulation mode as main mode for DSN VLBI recorders. Would like to support both upper/lower and complex channels. Single Channel Data Threads are more flexible, but more difficult to implement in firmware. Buffer space one key issue. Multi-Channel Data Threads easier to implement and take less FPGA memory, but limit all channels to same data rate, bit representation. If single channel data threads used, then a hybrid data thread with an upper/lower channel would be more convenient. It would allow packet size to be same as complex channel without requiring twice the memory. What Payload Frame size? Some where between 2000 and 8000 bytes?
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 12 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology More VDIF Usage Multi-Channel Frames & Frame Rates Complex BWBits/sampleSamples/FrameFrame SizeData Frames/Sec 32 MHz Bytes MHz Bytes MHz Bytes MHz Bytes MHz Bytes MHz Bytes3200 Possible Frame sizes and rates for 16 complex or 32 upper/lower channels
Nov 1, 2011 RN - 13 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology More VDIF Usage Single Channel Frames & Frame Rates Complex Bandwidth Bits/sample Data Format Samples/FrameFrame Size Data Frames/Sec 32 MHz1Real Bytes MHz2Real Bytes MHz1Complex Bytes MHz2Complex Bytes MHz1Real Bytes125 2 MHz2Real Bytes250 2 MHz1Complex Bytes250 2 MHz2Complex Bytes500 Possible Frame sizes and rates for 1 single channel or 1 upper & 1lower channel