Position Evaluation in Computer Go Martin Muller Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Dong Hwa University Reporter : Lo Jung-Yun
Outline Introduction Exact Evaluation in Explorer Heuristic Territory Evaluation in Explorer Full-Board Evaluation Open Problem and Future Work Project Progress
Introduction Describe the position evaluation methods used in Explorer Two different approach –Modularized heuristic evaluation using the concept of zones –An emphasis on exact evaluation methods for several types of local situations
Exact Evaluation in Explorer Safe Territory –Both static rules and method based on local search for detecting groups of blocks is safe Capturing Race (semeai) –Also by static rules End Game Area
Heuristic Territory Evaluation in Explorer Distinguish several different types of points Divider and potential divider Zone –Safe zone –Potential zone –Threatened zone –Unused zone Point outside the territory –Near points –Junction points –Far-away points
Heuristic Territory Evaluation in Explorer Divider and potential divider –Computed using pattern matching Safe zone –Are surrounded only by stones and dividers, and the interior is strongly controlled by stones Potential zone –Weaker than safe territory, either because part of the boundary is only a potential divider, or because the control over the inside is not strong enough Threatened zone –Weaker than potential zone Unused zone –Contain strong opponent groups
Different Types of Points Divider and Potential Divider –Using pattern matching
Different Types of Points Zone, potential zone, threatened zone, and unused zone
Point Outside The Territory Divider-adjusted distances
Point Outside The Territory Far-awayPoints are at least distance 5 away from both player JunctionPoints are less than 5 and which the difference of distance to black and white is at most 1 NearRemaining points are either black or white
Full-Board Evaluation Weight setting Safe territory±1 Potential territory±½ Near point±0.2 Junction point and far-away point0
Open Problems and Future Work Maximize the chance of winning, not for score
Project progress A B C D E F A. 確定明確的方向及題目 B. 充實基本知識 C. 規劃系統及收集資訊 D. 系統實作 E. 驗收及改善 F. 論文撰寫
Project progress Function –Open *.sgf file (using Neko’s parser) –Put stones on the board Running –Check capture –Some data structure Stone string Stone group