RCSD Travel Training Program
Part 200 Regulations Travel training is a special education service that meaning providing instruction, as appropriate, to students with significant cognitive disabilities, and any other students with disabilities who require this instruction, to enable to develop an awareness of the environment in which they live; and learn the skills to move effectively and safely from place to place within that environment.
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Scenarios IEP states: Due to Student A's attentional difficulties and his challenges to solve conflicts without adult support, Student A requires house pick up Student B requires assistance in attending to classroom activities and poor safety judgment in unstructured settings. Student C has difficulty with impulsivity and interpersonal relationships. Due to the student's difficulty with transitions and verbal aggression concerns special transportation is needed. Student E requires special transportation due to her significant learning and communication needs impacting her safety. What are the barriers to travel? OHI LD ID
How can we prepare students for post secondary life and independence? Survey students and parents about their experiences with public transportation Behavior plans addressing behavioral concerns Direct Instruction for learning challenges (reading bus schedules, planning a trip) Interventions and strategies to address attentional issues Working with community agencies Informational sessions Travel Training
Resources Pre-assessment/Screening tools Curriculum supports for special populations Information and training sessions scheduled at multiple times and sites Assistance with coordination for eligible students Agency support
Transportation Education Transportation education creates a culture, accompanied by a coordinated set of practices, to connect students, families, educators, pupil transporters, and public transportation professionals to ensure students have knowledge, access, and choice regarding a continuum of accessible transportation options across grade levels, especially as they transition from school to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living
“Students who are better informed about their transportation options are more empowered to get to where they would like to after high school and achieve their goals. Transportation is a key aspect to ensuring a person can become and remain active in his community. The transition from high school and school transportation to post-high school activities with public transportation is a monumental step—one that is made easier through attaining the ability to get around on one’s own.”
Student/Parent Request Travel Training Scenario 1 Student and parent express interest in dismissing house pick up or travel training Student completes pre- assessment and checks “yes” to Question Experience riding public transportation Primary teacher/CASE share RTS information with the student and parent found in resources section. IEP is amended with parent consent.
Student/Parent Request Travel Training Scenario 2 Step 1 Student or parent makes a request to the CASE for travel training to remove house pick up transportation Step 2 Student/primary teacher/parent completes pre-assessment Completed form indicates that student has OPWDD eligibility and MSC through an agency Step 3 Pre-assessment is submitted to Transition Team CASE works with Transition Team to coordinate travel training through Agency IEP may be amended if student is successfully trained.
Student/Parent Request Travel Training Scenario 3 Step 1 Student or parent makes a request to the CASE for travel training to remove house pick up transportation Step 2 Student/primary teacher/parent completes pre- assessment Student need is moderate for travel training Step 3 CASE reviews posted resources to determine whether student would benefit from direct classroom instruction model and requires no further training. Amend IEP to remove transportation services.
Student/Parent Request Travel Training Scenario 4 Travel training packet is completed and submitted to travel training mailbox. Upon approval, CASE amends IEP to add travel training. Mobility Works schedules home to school travel training sessions Evaluation indicates that student can travel independently. IEP is amended to remove house pick up. Step 4 CASE reviews posted resources to determine whether student would benefit from direct classroom instruction model and determines that student requires further training Step 3 Student/primary teacher/parent completes pre- assessment Student need is moderate for travel training Step 2 Student or parent makes a request to the CASE for travel training to remove house pick up transportation Step 1
Annual Review of Program and Services All secondary students with transportation services must review the appropriateness of that service. Questions: 1.Does the student utilize public transportation at other times? 2.What is the impact of the student’s disability on the student’s need for transportation services? 3.What is the barrier to student’s successful independent travel? 4.If behavior is indicated as the reason for transportation services, is there a BIP and does transportation have a copy of that plan? 5.What is the IEP Goal to address the need for independent travel?