Webinar #2 15 July 2015 Scout HQ, Ottawa
This is a two part campaign ◦ Show and Deliver Order date: 01 September 2015 Pick up date: 11/12 September 2015 ◦ Take Order Order date:NLT 06 November 2015 Pick up date:20 & 21 November 2015
Microwave Butter Light$ Caramel corn i/c Pecans$ White Cheddar Cheese$
Rideau Area confirmation. Any other Area without a designated co-ordinator? Based upon tonight’s attendance, we are confirming contact details.
Are there Groups who need a nudge? Are there Groups who definitely will not participate? What can we do to help Groups to participate? How can we help Groups that are participating?
AREA POPCORN COORDINATOR POSITION DESCRIPTION BP&P section 4000 VC Popcorn Representatives Accountable to: Area Commissioner Term: Selected or elected, then appointed annually by the Area Commissioner Time required: approximately 6 hours per week from late July to Mid-December and intermittently (4-6 hours per month) during the remainder of the Scouting year. Scope of Position: Encourages and supports participation in Scouts Canada’s official Popcorn Campaign.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have: A knowledge of computer spreadsheets and database input Effective interpersonal skills. Registered as a member of Scouts Canada.
Paper Envelope vs Ziploc Bag for money. Flyers & Brochures. The Square.
When. Where; and What support you would like. Budget for event.
Around the Areas. Next meeting ◦ Webinar #3 ◦ Monday 17 August 2015 ◦ 1900
We are not selling Popcorn – We are selling a Scouting Program. Youth are not part of the program, they are the program