MAY | 12 | 2010 Cape Cod Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
MAY | 12 | 2010 A Vision for Cape Cod vibrant local economies an adequate supply of workforce housing, affordable healthcare, child care and transportation career and business training and networking opportunities a well-protected environment
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS Progress: From many efforts…
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS Progress …to one set of goals Workforce Development Industry Sector Development Business Development Business Climate Infrastructure Development
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS GOALS Low Impact and Compatible Development A Balanced Economy Regional Income Growth Infrastructure Capacity Regional Collaboration and Joint Commitment
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS Implementation STATSCapeCod – Data & Information Dissemination 16 Regional Priority Project Implementation RESET – Town Technical Assistance EDC/CCC Partnership
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS Annual Evaluation How are we doing? Where are we going next?
MAY | 12 | 2010 Senator Therese Murray
MAY | 12 | 2010 Refreshments Break
MAY | 12 | 2010 CEDS Annual Evaluation How are we doing? Where are we going next?
MAY | 12 | 2010 Renewable Energy Generation Program DCPC
MAY | 12 | 2010 Entrepreneurship Capital Access & Training Entrepreneurs Weekend Connectivity Team Case Management
MAY | 12 | 2010 Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Open Market for Fish Quota Fisheries Trust Small Boat Fishing Fleet EDA Funding Requested
MAY | 12 | 2010 Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Phase I Case Studies Coastal Economy: Natural Resource Extraction Marine Sciences, Technology & Education Transportation & Utilities Leisure & Hospitality Arts & Culture
MAY | 12 | 2010 Year 2 Plans
MAY | 12 | 2010 Energy Demand Reduction Program – Greening Existing Bldgs
MAY | 12 | 2010 Renewable Energy Technology Testing & Training Under Development: Wind Turbine Installation & Maintenance Training Program
MAY | 12 | 2010 Buy Local Infrastructure Development Program
MAY | 12 | 2010 Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers
MAY | 12 | 2010 Economic Center Cost Analysis $$$ WHY?
MAY | 12 | 2010 New CEDS Projects
MAY | 12 | CEDS Priority Projects Open Cape Renewable Energy Generation Renewable Energy Demand Reduction Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers Renewable Energy Testing & Training Center Entrepreneur Capital Access & Training Program Homeland Security & Marine Security Technology Testing & Training Center Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Capitalization Community Green Enterprise Center Emerging Sector Housing Buy Local Infrastructure Development Specialized Four-year College Feasibility Study ADA & Building Compliance Loan Program Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Redevelopmen t Authority Feasibility Study Development in Economic Centers – Cost Analysis
MAY | 12 | CEDS Priority Projects Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Capitalization Community Green Enterprise Center Emerging Sector Housing Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Redevelopmen t Authority Feasibility Study Development in Economic Centers – Cost Analysis Buy Local Infrastructure Development Specialized Four-year College Feasibility Study ADA & Building Compliance Loan Program Renewable Energy Testing & Training Center Entrepreneur Capital Access & Training Program Homeland Security & Marine Security Technology Testing & Training Center Open Cape Renewable Energy Generation Renewable Energy Demand Reduction Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers
MAY | 12 | CEDS Priority Projects Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Capitalization Community Green Enterprise Center Regional Information Office Canal Area Assessment & Transportation Improvement Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Redevelopmen t Authority Feasibility Study Development in Economic Centers – Cost Analysis Buy Local Infrastructure Development Specialized Four-year College Feasibility Study Waste Minimization: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Renewable Energy Testing & Training Center Entrepreneur Capital Access & Training Program Center of Excellence for Water Quality Technologies and Innovation Open Cape Renewable Energy Generation Renewable Energy Demand Reduction Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers
MAY | 12 | 2010 A Proposal
MAY | 12 | 2010 Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Capitalization Community Green Enterprise Center Regional Information Office Canal Area Assessment & Transportation Improvement Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Redevelopment Authority Feasibility Study Development in Economic Centers – Cost Analysis Buy Local Infrastructure Development Specialized Four-year College Feasibility Study Waste Minimization: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Renewable Energy Testing & Training Center Entrepreneur Capital Access & Training Program Center of Excellence for Water Quality Technologies and Innovation Open Cape Renewable Energy Generation Renewable Energy Demand Reduction Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers 2010 CEDS Priority Projects Reconnecting Cape Cod Demonstration Communities
MAY | 12 | 2010 Reconnecting Cape Cod Demonstration Communities
MAY | 12 | 2010 Buy Local Infrastructure Development Specialized Four-year College Feasibility Study Waste Minimization: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 2010 CEDS Priority Projects Cape Cod Fisheries Trust Capitalization Community Green Enterprise Center Regional Information Clearinghouse Canal Area Assessment & Transportation Improvement Renewable Energy Testing & Training Center Entrepreneur Capital Access & Training Program Center of Excellence for Water Quality Technologies and Innovation Coastal Use Templates for Economic Development Redevelopmen t Authority Feasibility Study Development in Economic Centers – Cost Analysis Open Cape Renewable Energy Generation Renewable Energy Demand Reduction Wastewater Infrastructure in Economic Centers Center for Environmental Excellence
MAY | 12 | 2010 Center for Environmental Excellence
May | 12 | 2010 Center for Environmental Excellence Open Cape