Pasadena Unified School District; Resource Allocation, Guidelines and Information PUSD-PEN Collaborative Parent Leadership Summit March 16, 2013 Dr. Meg Abrahamson
Outcomes Generally understanding of District budget timeline How the monies are spent Enrollment Impact Difference between Unrestricted and Restricted Funds What School Sites receive How you as Parent Leaders can support the schools and your child’s education
District General Funding Overview
Formal Board Action Budget AdoptionJune 30 th Statutory Amendment45 days after State Budget Adoption 1 st Interim RevisionDecember 15 th Analyze Impact of Governor’s Proposed Budget January 2 nd Interim RevisionMarch 15 th Analyze Impact of “May Revise”May Budget AdoptionJune 30 th Additionally, the budget is reviewed and modified on an on-going basis to adjust for shifts in entitlement, the establishment of categorical programs, and departmental transfers.
What is General Revenue Limit? Established in general purpose money for each student ◦ Varies from District to District Revenue limit income is a combination of local property taxes and state money. ◦ Any increase in property taxes is offset by a reduction of state funds Different limits are set for District Configuration ◦ Unified Districts receive an average Federal and State Categorical funds plus local miscellaneous income, and lottery revenues are added to revenue limit income to make up a district's total revenues.
General Fund Income – 2012/2013 Second Interim Report
GF Unrestricted Expenses
Income Revenue Limit In Millions
Unrestricted and the School Site School sites are allocated very little for discretionary purposes ◦ Approximately $ $50.00 per student School Site Unrestricted Allocation ◦ Materials and Supplies ◦ Copy Machines ◦ Clerical support
Enrollment Patterns and Impact
Enrollment/Attendance and Funding Decline in enrollment impacts funding Funding is based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA)- higher % of total enrollment the higher the funding
Why is declining enrollment a problem? Revenue decreases more than direct expenses, for example: If enrollment dropped 30 students, the District’s base revenue will drop: 30 students x $5,500 = $165,000 We would reduce only one full-time teacher- estimate $70,000 Loss of $95,000 Revenue decreases more than direct expenses, for example: If enrollment dropped 30 students, the District’s base revenue will drop: 30 students x $5,500 = $165,000 We would reduce only one full-time teacher- estimate $70,000 Loss of $95,000
Restricted Resources Title I- Federal EIA- LEP/SCE- state Tier III- School Improvement-state Tier III- CAHSEE-State Tier III- Parent Involvement
Federal Programs
Title I- Improving the Achievement of Disadvantaged Students Generated based on the number of students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) o We allocate to all eligible K-5 and 6-8 schools, Sierra Madre is the only school not eligible Used to supplement school programs to support academic achievement for at-risk students Required parent involvement allocation
Title I School Wide Program (SWP) ◦ Money is received based on the number of FRL students ◦ BUT can be used for all students ◦ Next year all Title I schools will be SWP programs Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) Money is received based on the number of FRL students ◦ Can only be used for Title I students ◦ Currently, Don Benito, Eliot and Wilson are targeted, next year
Allocation ?? Total Allocation ◦ 15% for administration and in-direct cost ◦ To cover cost to “run” the program from the District level ◦ “unseen” costs- electrical, maintenance… Required set asides Parent involvement SES/Choice Homeless Private/Delinquent Professional Development (Program Improvement)
Title I-Parent Involvement Title I is the only resource that requires money set-aside for Parent Involvement What is required? ◦ 1% of the total District allocation must be set aside to support the involvement and engagement of parents ◦ Of this 1% - 95% must be allocated to the school sites to be used for this purpose ◦ The remaining 5% is kept at the District to support Parent Involvement at the District level
Title I- Parent Involvement PUSD retains an additional 1% centrally to use to support Parent Involvement Used to: ◦ Provide trainings within the district ◦ Childcare and limited food ◦ Provide professional development externally ◦ General Outreach and communications
Title I- Parent Involvement Example: Total District Allocation$6,985,356 1% $69,853 95% of this 1% to schools $66,360 5% remains at the District $3,942
Supplemental Services Program/Choice Used to provide after-school tutoring for Title I students at Program Improvement Schools- year 2 To provide transportation to families who opt to attend a different non-Program Improvement School
Private/Neglected Schools We provide support to 24 private/neglected schools Private schools have to opt to receive Title I monies and other resources and services ◦ Currently 7 private schools have opted for Title I Neglected Schools, we support 3 all of which receive Title I We include their enrollment numbers in our count
Professional Development When a District is identified as Program Improvement based on two years of performance data Required to reserve 10% for Professional Development Recommending that 5% be pushed to sites to be used exclusively for PD
Allowable Assistance to Schools Money over the Administrative and Indirect Costs to used to directly support students ◦ Must consult with SSC Recommending we continue as we did last year- $325,000 for Class size reduction
State Programs
Economic Impact Aid EIA-LEP or SCE LEP- The purpose is supplement the academic program for English Learners (EL) to increase achievement and grade level proficiency ◦ 4,160 students currently identified SCE- Use to support at-risk students as identified using different indicators, this number is based on achievement on standardized assessments. ◦ 10,404 students currently identified Of the EL students ONLY 54 do not qualify for both EIA and SCE
Economic Impact Aid EIA-LEP or SCE How can these funds be used? ◦ Direct instruction-teachers ◦ paraprofessionals ◦ extended time before/after school programs ◦ instructional materials ◦ equipment ◦ facility rental ◦ parent involvement ◦ maintenance costs ◦ lease-purchase agreements
How PUSD allocates EIA Limited English Proficient
How EIA can be allocated EIA Limited English Proficient students only State Compensatory Education
Tier III Allocations- Secondary and Non-Title I Tier III- 29 resources made completely flexible School Improvement ◦ Allocate based on enrollment divided by allocation $500,000 CAHSEE ( High Schools) ◦ Allocated be based on # of students who have not passed CAHSEE in 10 th grade divided by allocation $125,000 Parent Involvement- ◦ Same formula used to allocate a PI budget to non-Title I schools $ 35, 000
Why is this important for you to know as a parent leader? To be able to engage in collaborative conversations at the school site that impact the student achievement of students To be a voice in the decision making process To be partner in your (all) children's education Knowledge is power
Takes Everyone working together Student Achievement Parents Schools Students Community