Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Texas Transportation Works Summit Presenter: Maurice Pearl, Citibus, General Manager
Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Public transportation projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable Public transportation projects that exceed the requirements of ADA Public transportation projects that improve access to fixed route service and decrease reliance on complementary paratransit Alternatives to public transportation projects that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities with transportation
Transportation Access United Shopper Shuttle Service from home, apartment, living facility to United Supermarket Grocery Store Five times per week Monday – Friday Door to door service Must complete application Eligibility United Locations o Parkway o 4 th & Slide Rd. o 50 th & Indiana
Transportation Access South Plains Food Bank Daily Trips Downtown Transfer Center to South Plains Food Bank Monday – Friday 10:30 – 12:30 Food voucher from Social Organization or Church Return trip to residence or Downtown Transfer Center
Transportation Access Kings Dominion Modified Route 14 to accommodate Shelter 2015 Initiated United Supermarket Grocery service – June 1 – 14 passengers
Access to Transportation Department of Public Safety Moved to new location Requested service after move Budgeted line item Initial service one day/week
Local Coordination Efforts We work with Spartan by coordinating trips within the city limits, but outside of our service area. Fixed route riders must ambulate from West 19/Levelland Hwy, to our closest stop at 19 th and Juneau on Route 12. This is the area most called about, however anyone who lives outside our fixed route service area, but within the city limits, and are not Paratransit eligible we have worked to coordinate transportation services.
Local Coordination Efforts This is facilitated when a consumer contacts Spartan. Spartan will refer the call to Citibus’ Director of Transportation. The DOT inquires about the passenger needs- work schedule, medical appointments etc., to assure Citibus does not have any options that can accommodate the trip. Citibus’ DOT will send an outlining what trips are approved. Spartan will only allow transportation that has an authorizing service delivery. All service delivery after 6:45 pm can be accommodated by Citibus’ night ride. Most of the coordination occurs between traditional fixed route times.
Local Coordination Efforts We also promote the use of Spartans’ shuttle service from our DTP to South Plains College in Reese, and Levelland. We also work together and look at any unique situations that may need to be evaluated, because we move people, not freight. A cookie cutter approach does not work when people are involved.
Local/Regional Coordination Efforts Staff on local Social Service Boards Staff on regional and State Boards Work with the local TxDOT PTC to coordinate transportation between rural and urban to obtain the best transportation needs for the client.
5310 Efforts Citibus maximizes its 5310 funding to support an extended ADA service area in Lubbock. Utilize the capital program to procure vans that offset our aging fleet.
Medicaid Transportation Coordination Coordinate efforts with LeFleur Transportation to provide the most efficient transportation to Medicaid clients by working with LeFleur, Spartan, Panhandle, and WTO transit agencies.