Things to look for and remember while preparing FD05 Estimates
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way-Preservation.aspx Drive the Project
Print out a copy of the estimate sheet and summary sheets (most current version). Make sure you have a measuring wheel. Take your updated Route Log. Has your DMI been calibrated recently?
Measure the width in several locations per mile. Don’t measure in curves, at mailboxes, or at entrances. Note changes in Typical Section.
Is there striping? Centerline, Edgelines, etc. Are there manholes, and who are the owners? Are there pavement markers to be removed? Only replace on Interstates, Parkways, and TWLTL’s Are there bridges or culverts? Check with bridge section.
What types of shoulders are there? Are there drop-off that need correcting Can it be paved monolithic or separate pavement wedge? Is there curb and gutter? Are there any RR Crossings? Are there ADA compliant sidewalk ramps?
Does the project have thermo to be replaced? Include quantities on summary sheets. Are there traffic or planning loops affected? Include quantities on summary sheets. Are there base failures that need repaired? Include quantities on summary sheets.
How do you know if it’s a base failure? Deep cracking Rutting / pumping Water / mud coming out of cracks Usually located near edge of pavement
Used to correct out of section pavement. Correcting cross slopes, dips, etc. Not a Scratch Course. How much do you need?
Ride the project Visual survey Usually calculated as a percentage of surface quantity.
If the route needs more than 50% leveling and wedging, consider milling the entire route. Helps to reduce pavement edge drop-offs. Corrects existing rutting. Re-defines pavement section.
At Bridge ends and RR crossings. Usually 100 feet per 1 inch. Curb and Gutter sections Alternative to leveling and wedging. Make sure milling depth is appropriate.
Check intersections to see if needed. Not for commercial entrances. Include all bid items. Is it technically feasible? If not, include documentation and pictures.
Input project data into estimate program. Check all quantities for errors. Verify pavement type against Warrants. Pavement depth 1.0”, 1.25” or 1.5” (District 1, 2, 3 only or SMA)
Complete typical sections One typical for each pavement section. Use common sense. Show details Pavement type Depth Type of shoulders Milling if required
What type is needed for this project? Will night work or restricted hours be needed? Are there dates where no lane closures will be allowed? Holidays, festivals, etc. Will it be a significant project? Include Public Information Plan. Complete documents for TMP.
Check Diana’s “commonly made mistakes” . Did you need flashing arrows or message boards? Did you include Fuel and Asphalt adjustments? Use comments section.
Use Traffic Engineer to help with Thermo and Loop quantities and locations. Check with Permits, Project Development, and HSIP Coordinator for conflicting projects. Check with Bridge section if bridges are on the project. Did you include all applicable notes?
Did you miss anything? See it from a contractor’s view? What will the inspector see? Is there anything unexpected that you may have missed?