By June 2016, student attendance will increase from a current 77% to 85% based on PowerSchool data. Goal Manager – Robert Escamilla Key Process Manager – Deborah Bodolus 2nd Quarterly Review 13 February 2015 Committee Members – Geraldine Webb-Harris, Kathleen Zappia
Key Process - MEPHS MTSS/I-Care Team will create and implement a comprehensive plan to increase attendance. Action Steps: The MTSS/I-Care Team will meet and develop an attendance plan/policy prior to the start of the 2014/2015 school year. The MTSS/I-Care Team to implement the attendance plan/policy. Attendance will be entered into PowerSchool by faculty/staff members on a daily basis. The MTSS/I-Care Team will review and analyze attendance data on a weekly basis. Administrative Staff will implement alternative measures in order to minimize out of school suspensions as a disciplinary consequence. On-going
MOVING FORWARD DETERMINE factors responsible for extended day program low rate of attendance and DEVELOP strategies to increase extended day program attendance. Faculty members continue to enter attendance on a daily basis & to contact parents. Analyze attendance data for differences between classes & to target students with chronic absenteeism. Child careTransportation Proposed changes to Action Steps. Seniors not taking a full load
Key Process - MEPHS MTSS/I-Care Team will create and implement a comprehensive plan to increase attendance. Action Steps: The MTSS/I-Care Team will meet and develop an attendance plan/policy prior to the start of the 2014/2015 school year. The MTSS/I-Care Team to implement the attendance plan/policy. Attendance will be entered into PowerSchool by faculty/staff members on a daily basis. The MTSS/I-Care Team will review and analyze attendance data on a bi- weekly basis. Administrative Staff will implement alternative measures in order to minimize out of school suspensions as a disciplinary consequence. On-going