EU Market Reviews PFG Update - September 2002 Elaine Axby Project Director
Agenda market review process overview of the individual reviews information gathering - Nick Collins next steps
Market review process Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Data gathering/analysis Consultation docs published 12 week consultation per review Statements published
Format of consultation documents market definition –utmost account of EU Recommendation assessment of SMP –utmost account of EU guidelines –Oftel market review guidelines options for remedies –regulatory option appraisal –access guidelines preferred remedy(ies) draft specific condition(s)
Planned reviews fixed call origination/w’sale transit w’sale narrowband Internet call termination fixed geographic call termination retail price control IDD broadband mobile broadcasting (DQ)
Fixed call origination and wholesale transit project manager –Selina Chadha EU markets covered –call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location –transit services in the fixed public telephone network further segmentation –call origination –call origination from Payphones
fixed call origination and wholesale transit (continued) –local tandem conveyance –inter-tandem conveyance –single transit –inter-tandem transit –access to the emergency operator information request –September 2002 consultation document –December 2002
Wholesale narrowband internet termination project manager –Justin Moore EU markets covered –wholesale dial-up internet call termination is discussed as a potential market for inclusion in the final Recommendation information request –July/August 2002 consultation document –December 2002
Fixed geographic call termination project manager – Mike Galvin EU markets covered –call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location consultation document –October 2002 (dependent on EU Recommendation)
Retail price control project manager – Alan Pridmore EU markets covered –access to the public telephone network at a fixed location –publicly available telephone services provided at a fixed location consultation document –December 2002
IDD project manager –Alexander Shepherd EU markets covered –retail segmentation –wholesale international calls information request –September/October consultation document –November 2002
Broadband markets project manager –Tim Cross EU markets covered –the minimum set of leased lines –wholesale local access –local dedicated capacity Oftel segmentation –leased lines (retail and wholesale) –LLU –DSL
Broadband (continued) information request –September/October 2002 consultation document –January 2003
Mobile project manager –Elaine Axby EU markets covered –call termination on individual mobile networks –the wholesale national market for international roaming on public mobile networks –access and call origination on public mobile telephone networks information request –October/November 2002 consultation document –January 2003
Information gathering for EU reviews existing Oftel information sources market information –data collected regularly from industry market research –quarterly business & residential surveys price trends –UK price information benchmarking –international comparisons financial market analysis also: technological expertise, CPIs and consumer complaints data
Information gathering for EU reviews additional information requirements more detailed market data on specific markets technologies and services sold in given markets information on network & infrastructure plans to enter or develop particular markets information on past market entry & exit trends network cost and investment information information on amount of excess capacity links between companies
Information gathering for EU reviews new Oftel processes prevention of duplication of information requests –central log of all data requests promote a joined up approach to data provision –market information contacts copied in on all requests cross referencing with data previously supplied –to ensure consistency between returns dialogue between Oftel & information providers –by letter and meetings with companies / stakeholders
Next steps publish information note confirm scope of broadcasting, DQ reviews await Commission Recommendation –NRA meeting end September information gathering/analysis –further stakeholder meetings if necessary or requested