REGULAR PATTERN OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT A continuous process Different rate of development in various systems General pattern Individual variance Puberty 13 yr (F)/15yr(M)
Different rate of development in various systems
FACTORS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Genetics Gender Endocrine Pregnant condition Nutrition Living environment diseases
PHYSICAL GROWTH weight ≌3kg newborn 1 to 6 mon 7 to 12 mon 2 to 12 yrs W(kg)=newborn weight (kg)+month×0.7 (kg) W(kg)=6 (kg)+month×0.25 (kg) W(kg)=yrs ×2 (kg)+7 or 8 (kg) newborn 1 to 6 mon 7 to 12 mon 2 to 12 yrs
PHYSICAL GROWTH Height newborn 50cm ↑25cm 0-1yr H (cm)= yrs×7+70 (cm)
Head circumference (HC) PHYSICAL GROWTH Head circumference (HC) 34cm newborn 46cm 1yr 2yr 48cm 5yr 50cm
Chest circumference (CC) PHYSICAL GROWTH Chest circumference (CC) Newborn 32cm 46cm 1yr CC=HC
PHYSICAL GROWTH Skeleton development 1~1.5 yr closure Anterior fontannel Teeth development 6mon first tooth 20 Deciduous teeth 30mon
ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH Standard (SD) Mean (X) & Normal distribution ±1SD 68.3% ±1SD 95.4% +2SD 99.7% +3SD
ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH P3-P97 Percentile Weight for age Growth chart 95% Growth chart Weight for age Height for age Multiple indicators Weight for height
Growth Curve (Boys)
Growth Curve (Girls)
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Sensation and perception 6yr 1.0 3-4yr vision 0.7 1yr 3m 3mon 180°level Newborn 20cm
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Sensation and perception Hearing mature 4yr Audition 2yr Following simple direction 1yr Knowing his/her name 3mon Turning head to sound Newborn Hearing
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Motor Walk alone 15mon Gross motor 9mon Creep& Standing with support 6mon Sitting 3mon Lift head
Lift head Lift head Sitting Crawing
Standing Walk Jump Run
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Motor 9mon Scribble 3mon Fine motor Thumb-finger grasp 6mon Transfer object 3mon Grasp object
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT age receptive expressive 6m Name Babble 12m Familiar object name Pharases Simple needs Repeat sound “ba ba” /“ma ma” 15m ~18m Body part Following simple direction Pointing 15~20 words 24m People/object Pictures Name/object/pictures 300 words 36m 2~3directions sex identity Sentences More words 48m Differenciate colors Following 2~3 directions Telling stories Describing things Language
NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Thinking Imagination Will Emotion Personality Personal-social behavior
ASSESSMENT AND BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT Intelligence Abilities of recognizing the world and dealing with the environmental change Intelligent quotient (IQ) Development quotient (DQ)
ASSESSMENT AND BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT Psychometry Visual-space orientation Tempory-order Memory Speech language Single developmental screening tests
ASSESSMENT AND BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT Psychometry Denver Developmental Screening Test,DDST Drawing-a-man test Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test,PPVT Abilities tests Screening tests
ASSESSMENT AND BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT Psychometry Bayley Infant Development Test Gesell Development Test WPPSI WISC-R SM Abilities test Diagnostic tests
DIVIATION OF GROWTH Weight Height Head circumference Tall status Stunt Overweight >2SD or 97 Percentile Underweight <2SD or 3 Percentile Weight Height Tall status Stunt Head circumference
PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER Developmental-behavioral problems Breath holding Learning disorders Enuresis Biting thumb Defiance Speech and language disorders Lying Temper tantrums Mental retardation Sleep disorders
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