1 Emergency Medical Services Response Data Concerning Anaphylaxis Joe Hilbert, Director of Governmental and Regulatory Affairs – Virginia Department of Health Presentation to SB1167 Workgroup July 30, 2015
2 Virginia’s estimated population for 2013 was 8,260,405 1,174, calls that involved treatment by EMS 10,285 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 1,070 were administered epinephrine Statewide Virginia Data for FY 2014 Source: VDH Office of Emergency Medical Services
3 Locations of EMS Response to Anaphylactic Reactions (Percent of Responses Occurring in each Location) Source: VDH Office of Emergency Medical Services
4 Blue Ridge Region Estimated population 256,455 in , events 485 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 22 were administered epinephrine
5 Central Shenandoah Region Estimated population 291,649 in , events 621 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 71 were administered epinephrine
6 Lord Fairfax Estimated population 228,087 in , events 218 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 25 were administered epinephrine
7 Northern Virginia Estimated population 2,388,316 in , events 2,438 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 361 were administered epinephrine
8 Old Dominion Region Estimated population 1,398,792 in , events 2,111 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 182 were administered epinephrine
9 Peninsulas Region Estimated population 623,676 in , events 709 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 57 were administered epinephrine
10 Rappahannock Region Estimated population 504,372 in , events 627 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 78 were administered epinephrine
11 Southwest Virginia Estimated population 395,939 in , events 418 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 34 were administered epinephrine
12 Thomas Jefferson Region Estimated population 254,064 in , events 542 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 65 were administered epinephrine
13 Tidewater Region Estimated population 1,214,817 in , events 1,129 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 113 were administered epinephrine
14 Western Virginia Region Estimated population 704,238 in , events 987 were for a person having an allergic/anaphylactic reaction 62 were administered epinephrine
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