Community Helpers Resource Unit By Rachael Berkey & Jennifer Cooper ED 417
Table of Contents General Theme 3 Vocabulary and Concepts 4 Objectives 5-6 Activities 7-11 Evaluations 12-15 Instructional Resources 16-25
General Theme Communities need a diverse group of people helping, teaching, and leading them in positive and growth encouraging ways. As educators, we need to teach children to learn these values at a young age so they can carry on the values as adults. This is a five day resource unit that will introduce students to community helpers and their roles. This will be presented to a classroom of first graders at Medlar View Elementary. The community helpers unit will start in the fall.
Vocabulary and Concepts Baker Banker Teacher Bus Driver Trash Collector Doctor Veterinarian Dentist Librarian Lifeguard Farmer Fireman Janitor Nurse Pharmacist Postman Policeman Community Helpers Types of Communities Map House Railroad Tools used by a Doctor Tools used by a Dentist Equipment used by a fireman Equipment used by a policeman
Objectives The students will be able to comprehend the following: Describe what a community helper does. Comprehend how to appropriately write a letter to a community helper. Discuss why community helpers are important. Compare and contrast the different community helpers.
Objectives Cont. Describe how each community helper affects the community they live in. Identify the positive or negative experiences students have had with community helpers. Describe the characteristics of various community helpers.
Day One Activity Intro: The teacher will read the book Community Helpers from A to Z by Bobbie Kalman. Students will discuss what a community helper is and will name other community helpers not mentioned in the book. Development: Students will work in groups. Each group will be given a book about a community helper and discuss what the helper does. Culminating activities: The students will share the information about the community helper their group learned about.
Day Two Activity Intro: Students will watch a video about community helpers. Development: After watching the video, students will make a flip book about a community helper of their choice. They will include pictures and write what they know about the community helper. Culminating activities: The students will then be prepared to meet real community helpers and ask them questions.
Day Three Activity Intro: There will be stations set up in the room about different community helpers. The equipment used by the community helpers will be available for the students to look at. Development: Students will gain more knowledge about community helpers when various helpers visit our class and are placed at stations throughout the room. Students will ask questions to learn more information. Culminating Activities: With guidance from the teacher, students will write a thank you letter to one of the helpers and tell them what they liked about the role they play in the community.
Day Four Activity Intro: Today students will learn about farmers. The teacher will read the book Development: Students will take a field trip to a local farm. Students will learn about the many things farmers do to contribute to the community. Culminating activities: After visiting the farm students will draw pictures of a farm and complete a webquest about farming.
Day Five Activities Intro: Today we will wrap up the unit on community helpers. Development: The students will discuss what they have learned about community helpers and their role in the community. Students will identify tools that various helpers use. Culminating activities: Using magazines and other pictures, students will make a collage of community helpers and the tools they use. Each student will share their collage and say which community helper is his/her favorite and why.
Evaluation 1. Who puts out fires? a. Police officer b. Firefighter c. Dentist 2. Who keeps us safe from danger? a. Mail carrier b. Banker c. Police officer
Evaluation Cont… 3. Who do we go to when we are sick? a. Trash collector b. Doctor c. Librarian 4. Who brings us letters to read? a. Baker b. Bus driver c. Mail carrier 5. Who drives a yellow bus to school? a. Bus driver b. Teacher c. Farmer
More Evaluations… 6. I am a ________. I take care of your teeth. 7. We work in the classroom and help children learn. We are __________.
Evaluation Cont… 8. Write two sentences about the job of a fire fighter. 9. Write two sentences describing what a nurse does.
Resources Media Kit: Students will make a safety box or first aid kit. They will include items a doctor or nurse might use. Webquest: Students will take on the role of a farmer. The students can use a community PowerPoint made by a teacher.
Student References Cont. Books: Brush Your Teeth, Please! By Leslie Mcguire Police officers in my Neighborhood By Paulette Bourgeois Mail Carriers by Dee Ready People in our neighborhood by Ronno We need doctors by Lola M. Schaefer A Day in the Life of a Teacher by Heather Adamson
Student References This site helps students look at different ways of learning about communities. This site helps teachers relate community helpers to the students in a fun and enjoyable way This site allows students to actively interact with games and activities. Computer Software: Win/Mac-softouch/kidtech
Instructional Resources Teacher References This site helps teachers develop social studies and community lesson plans This site helps teachesr compare different society lesson plans. This site helps teachers to incorporate economics and mathematics. This site helps students
Instructional Resources Videos: “Community Helpers: Schools”- This video teaches children how to help out within their classroom and school. “What I want to be” – This video talks about the different community helpers and the role the play within the community. “Vrrrooommm, Farming for kids”- This videos teaches children what skills and roles are involved in farming. Fieldtrip to the community fire station to learn about the responsibilities of firemen.
Additional Resources This is a fantastic site for any use. It has websites, lesson plans, activities, and instructional lessons. This site is used by teachers, students, and parents. This site gives an overview from a teacher, of a field study on community helpers and students interactions. This site gives standards and materials used in many community helpers lesson plans.
Resources Cont. This software allows for students to actively learn about community helpers through games and lessons. Art ideas, games, science activities, lesson plans, and videos. Anything that inquires more understanding on community helpers is in this site. This is a large coloring book. It has many pictures and designs for students to learn more on community helpers.
Resources Cont. Teacher, want to learn more about finger plays, poems and songs about community helpers?? Visit me! Video: Ricky’s Room-Community Helpers Join Ricky the rhinoceros and his little sister, Nicki, as they lead children through fun songs and dances about the important people who make our communities safe and comfortable for us to live in. Real life community helper outfits!! This is a felt board with actually material used to make community helper clothes. Students can dress and undress various community helpers.
Resources… This site shows an actual questions and answer session with community helpers. Cool Careers for Girls in Construction By: Ceel Pasternak This book teaches students that anyone gender can be acommunity helper. Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10 By: Judy Finchler No Mail for Mitchell By: Catherine Siracusa This book talks about the different types of mail carriers there are.
Resources.. ELECTRONIC BOOKS Careers for Patriotic Types & Others Who Want to Serve Their Country By: Jan Goldberg. Cool Careers for Girls in Health By: Ceel Pasternak Cool Careers for Girls in Construction By: Ceel Pasternak
THE END Thank You for viewing our presentation!