Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) Monthly Information Session March 14, 2014
Agenda Housekeeping New policy regarding suspended faculty New policy regarding directory titles Running the End Date report from FIS Open discussion 2
Housekeeping During the meeting: Please be courteous to your colleagues. Refrain from discussions during the session, or please share your thoughts with the group. Others may benefit from your comments. Deadline to submit all paperwork for the next payroll: Thursday, March 13 –Quickpays are reserved for hardship cases. Requests must go to Diane Rodrigues with a justification –Suggestion: Send bi-annual communications to hiring faculty reminding them of the real deadlines for payroll. These presentations are posted on ClassesV2 for future reference:
New policy regarding suspended faculty Current process: Departments provide date to terminate or to suspend. –“Stop salary but keep person in system” The Yale netid remains active for suspended faculty, therefore they continue to have access to electronic resources, i.e. , library, buildings, etc. Suspended faculty are included in the annual FTE calculation of overhead charges assesses by ITS and the Library. The faculty member will appear in the Yale directory as if still active at Yale. Health benefits will remain active at a cost to Yale if the faculty member had been eligible before being suspended.
New policy regarding suspended faculty New policy: Faculty with term appointments less than two years in length will be terminated at the end of the appointment. Requests for exceptions may be submitted at the time of the appointment. Requests for exceptions must be approved by the cognizant provost. If an exception is granted and the faculty member had been eligible for benefits, the benefits will be terminated. The faculty member will therefore receive a Cobra letter.
New policy regarding suspended faculty Record clean-up: A list of suspended faculty will be sent to each department where relevant. The department will indicate which faculty are to be reappointed within the coming year. All other faculty members will be terminated. Prior to the termination, a communication will be sent to each faculty member to warn of the termination of services.
New policy regarding directory titles New policy: The faculty directory title is automatically generated by concatenating the position title and the organizational unit. It can only be overwritten in the following cases: –named professorships or specially funded fellowships –adding a notation when the faculty member is on leave
New policy regarding directory titles In order for multi-year or significant short-term administrative appointments, such as acting chair or acting dean, to appear in the directory title, the appointment must get recorded as an official appointment in Oracle.[1][1] Benefits: –Provides the option of easily reporting on the various appointments held by an individual faculty member. –Provides the ability to track term dates for administrative posts and to prepare for the need for reappointment or succession planning. –Creates an historical record of the faculty member’s appointments. [1] DUS and DGS appointments change much too frequently to maintain. There is little or no benefit to having this information in the directory title. Additionally, these FAS administrative appointments will be available in a more useful format on the Provost’s Office website. [1]
Running the End Date report from FIS Run the End Date report for all active faculty. You may choose to run by subgroups to distinguish actions that need to be taken. –E.g. Ladder non-tenured versus Non-ladder Review the report with the appropriate leadership in your department. Begin planning appropriate actions: –Prepare for promotion reviews –Reappointments –Retirements –Terminations
Next month’s meeting Onboarding faculty Offboarding faculty Summer training 10
Open discussion Questions? Topics for future sessions Questions, feedback, or suggestions for future meeting topics are always welcome –x