AP Biology March 31, 2011 BR: Explain how the number of choices an organism has may affect its mating behaviors Obj: Students will familiarize themselves with the structure/function of animal reprodcutive systems. HW: Ch 45 GR
AP Biology
Animal Reproduction & Development
AP Biology Fertilization fertilization cleavage gastrulation neurulation organogenesis
AP Biology Fertilization Joining of sperm & egg sperm head (nucleus) enters egg
AP Biology Cleavage Repeated mitotic divisions of zygote 1st step to becoming multicellular unequal divisions establishes body plan different cells receive different portions of egg cytoplasm & therefore different regulatory signals
AP Biology Cleavage zygote morula blastula establishes future development zygote blastula morula gastrulation
AP Biology Establish 3 cell layers ectoderm outer body tissues skin, nails, teeth nerves, eyes, lining of mouth mesoderm middle tissues blood & lymph, bone & notochord, muscle excretory & reproductive systems endoderm inner lining digestive system lining of respiratory, excretory & reproductive systems Gastrulation ectoderm mesoderm endoderm protostome vs. deuterostome gastrulation in primitive chordates
AP Biology Neurulation Formation of notochord & neural tube develop into nervous system Notochord Neural tube develops into vertebral column develops into CNS (brain & spinal cord)
AP Biology Organogenesis Umbilical blood vessels Chorion Amnion Yolk sac Allantois Fetal blood vessels Maternal blood vessels Bird embryo Mammalian embryo Placenta
AP Biology Placenta Materials exchange across membranes
AP Biology Learning Check In the first 7 weeks of gestation, all fetuses look the same. What causes the differentiation of male/female sex organs?
AP Biology Sex Differentiation Which parts of the female anatomy go through changes in size/position to become parts of the male anatomy? What evidence do we have of the shared origin of the male & female sex organs?
AP Biology Starter Parts
AP Biology Gamete Production Considering all that is shared in the origin of genital anatomy, how is gamete production similar and different in the gonads?
AP Biology Spermatogenesis Puberty until death!
AP Biology Oogenesis Meiosis 1 completed during egg maturation Meiosis 2 completed triggered by fertilization ovulation Unequal meiotic divisions unequal distribution of cytoplasm 1 egg 2 polar bodies What is the advantage of this development system? Put all your egg in one basket!
AP Biology Reproductive hormones Testosterone from testes functions sperm production 2° sexual characteristics Estrogen from ovaries functions egg production prepare uterus for fertilized egg 2° sexual characteristics LH & FSH testes or ovaries
AP Biology Sex hormone control in males Hypothalamus Pituitary Testes Body cells GnRH FSH & LH testosterone
AP Biology The female pattern Estrous cycles/estrus (many mammals) Menstrual cycle (humans & many other primates): Ovarian/Menstrual cycles~ Follicular phase ~ follicle growth Ovulation ~ oocyte release Luteal phase~ hormone release Menopause ~ cessation of ovarian and menstrual cycles.
AP Biology LH FSH estrogen progesterone lining of uterus egg developmentovulation = egg release corpus luteum days Menstrual cycle Hypothalamus Pituitary Ovaries Body cells GnRH FSH & LH estrogen
AP Biology Egg maturation in ovary Corpus luteum produces progesterone to maintain uterine lining
AP Biology Learning Check Its been said that the menstrual cycle is regulated by “cause and effect.” Explain what is meant by this, addressing hormones and physical/structural changes that occur during menstruation.
AP Biology Menstruation & Ovulation What factors can impact a woman’s menstruation? When is a woman most fertile? How long can sperm reside in a woman’s body “searching” for an egg?
AP Biology Human fetal development 7 weeks4 weeks
AP Biology Human fetal development 10 weeks
AP Biology Human fetal development 12 weeks20 weeks
AP Biology Human fetal development The fetus just spends much of the 2 nd & 3 rd trimesters just growing …and doing various flip-turns & kicks inside amniotic fluid Week 20
AP Biology Human fetal development 24 weeks (6 months; 2nd trimester) fetus is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its skin is protected by a waxy material called vernix
AP Biology Human fetal development 30 weeks (7.5 months) umbilical cord
AP Biology Getting crowded in there!! 32 weeks (8 months) The fetus sleeps 90-95% of the day & sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming
AP Biology Birth positive feedback
AP Biology Intestine Placenta Umbilical cord Wall of uterus Vagina Cervix Birth (36 weeks) Bladder
AP Biology Parturition OXYTOCIN~ stimulates uterine contractions 1 st stage: Opening up and thinning of the cervix. Ending in complete dilation. 2 nd stage: Expulsion of the baby as a result of strong uterine contractions. 3 rd stage: Expulsion of the placenta. Lactation ~ prolactin & oxytocin
AP Biology The end of the journey! And you think 9 months of AP Bio is hard !