PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Age 6-14 By: Laura, Adriana & Kristin
Middle Childhood 6-10 years Girls & Boys - steady gain in height and weight -Loss of baby teeth -Growth in motor skills -Executes self more smoothly. -Speed and coordination intensifies -Skills are placed into structured play activities.
Middle Childhood 6-10 years GIRLS: -Maturity develops more quickly then in boys. -Obatin permanent teeth sooner -Progresses towards skeletal maturity earlier -Have more body fat
Middle Childhood 6-10 years BOYS: -greater interest in participating in athletic activities. -Wet dreams.
Early Adolescence years GIRLS & BOYS: -Rapid growth- growth spurt in height and weight. - Self conscious about the physical changes -Risk taking behavior begins -Puberty begins
Early Adolescence years GIRLS: -Breast development -Menarche- first menstrual period -Completion of height gain and attainment of adult height (usually 2 years after menarche) -Increase in size and structure of uterus, vagina, labia, clitoris
Early Adolescence years BOYS: – Beginning of growth spurt – Spermarche- first ejaculation – Appearance of facial hair – Deepening of voice – Completion of height gain- reaching of adult height – Penis growth
Brain Development 6-14 years