Employee Assistance Programme Blackpool Fylde & Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
A range of information, advice and support Accessed via a Telephone Helpline Confidential Independent, objective FREE employee benefit Available to employees and family members Unlimited Access What is the EAP?
Everyone experiences challenges in life from minor irritations and inconveniences which take up our time to life changing or traumatic events. The EAP provides support 24/,7 365 days. Why Use The EAP
Call free Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 Identify your organisation May be asked to give other information (optional) Trained advisors will help identify needs How Do You Access The EAP?
General information Legal advice Financial advice Debt advice Telephone Counselling PPC Online Manager support The Services Available
Qualified professionals Telephone Counselling Immediately available Assess most suitable method Referral to In-house facilities for face to face counselling Telephone Counselling
Member-only website at Areas: Health and Well-being (e.g. nutrition, Stress etc) Personal Support (e.g. relationships etc) Work-Life (e.g. Change, retirement etc) Information, advice and fact-sheets Useful links to other sites Username: blackpool P/W: fyldewyre PPC Online
Confidentiality & Feedback Confidentiality is assured at outset Employer will not be informed Bound by strict code of ethics on confidentiality Areas of disclosure – if a risk to self or others Statistical analysis identifies themes and trends and records the value of the service