OVERVIEW OF WHAT SHOULD BE IN A STAFFING HANDBOOK (Terms and conditions of employment) Disclaimer: Framework (South East) Ltd. have taken all reasonable care in relation to the accuracy of the information in this document. The information is intended as a guide only and does not purport to be a legal interpretation. Framework Ltd does not make any warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the data. Framework Ltd. recommends that when Centres require legal advice they should contact their own Solicitors/Legal Advisors and when Centres require information on child welfare and protection they contact the Child and Family Agency or the Gardaí.
SECTION 1: Introduction to the Staff Hand Book 1. Purpose of Staffing handbook 2. Projects Mission Statement 3. Responsibilities of the VBOM, Staffing Sub-group and Co-ordinator in relation to employment issues 4. Employment records and where they will be kept.
SECTION 2: Conditions of Employment 1. Contract of employment 2. Job description 3. Recruitment Procedures 4. Induction 5. Probationary Period 6. Hours of Work & time Keeping Pay Policy7. 8. Pension Policy 9. Confidentiality Re personnel files and support structures etc. 10. Use of Company phones 11. Job sharing 12. Supervision and support 13. Training & career development 14. Retirement 15. Termination Of employment 16. Redundancy
SECTION 3: Disciplinary & Grievance 1. Disciplinary Procedures 2. Grievance Procedures 3. Equal Opportunities Policy 4. Dignity at Work Policy 5. Summarised Health Safety & Welfare Policy 6. Life Long Illness & Medical Condition Policy 7. Internet & Policy
SECTION 4: Leave and Benefits 1.Annual Leave 2. Sick Leave 3. Maternity Leave 4. Adoptive leave 5. Parental Leave 6. Force Majeure Leave 7. Paternity Leave 8. Carers Leave 9. Compassionate Leave 10. Study Leave 11. Leave of Absence or Career Break 12. Jury Service 13. Special Leave
APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: Support and Supervision Policy APPENDIX 2: Alcohol and Drugs Policy APPENDIX 3: H.I.V. and Aids Policy APPENDIX 4: Violence in the Workplace Policy APPENDIX 5: Stress in the Workplace Policy APPENDIX 6: Visual Aids Display Policy