Don’t Be A Fool - Stay In School!
What Is The Value Of An Education? It all depends on what you want to do with your life! Some careers require a specific level of education. These careers pay more and provide room for advancement.
What You Earn… Career Average Wage Fast Food$14,000 /year Retail$23,000 /year Teacher - Elementary$35,693 /year Veterinarian$50,878 /year Career Average Wage Fast Food$14,000 /year Retail$23,000 /year Teacher - Elementary$35,693 /year Veterinarian$50,878 /year
Depends Upon Your Education Career Educational Requirements Fast Food Worker On The Job Training RetailOn The Job Training Teacher - Elementary Bachelor’s Degree - Minimum plus Licensing VeterinarianDoctor of Veterinary Medicine plus Licensing Career Educational Requirements Fast Food Worker On The Job Training RetailOn The Job Training Teacher - Elementary Bachelor’s Degree - Minimum plus Licensing VeterinarianDoctor of Veterinary Medicine plus Licensing
Let’s See How This All Breaks Down…
Your Paycheck Dependent upon who you work for and how much money you earn, this is how your paycheck breaks down.
Your Lifestyle How much you spend is a key factor here. If you live within your “means”, wealth will accumulate. “Big Hat, No Cattle” is a phrase used to describe people with fancy stuff & no cash. How much you spend is a key factor here. If you live within your “means”, wealth will accumulate. “Big Hat, No Cattle” is a phrase used to describe people with fancy stuff & no cash.
What kind of home could you afford?
High School Dropout Earnings: $19,169 Housing Budget: $326/month Housing Opportunities: Rental With Roommate Earnings: $19,169 Housing Budget: $326/month Housing Opportunities: Rental With Roommate
High School Graduate Earnings: $28,645 Housing Budget: $487.32/month Housing Opportunities: Rental Only Earnings: $28,645 Housing Budget: $487.32/month Housing Opportunities: Rental Only
Some College But No Degree Earnings: $30,177 Housing Budget: $513.39/month Housing Opportunities: Starter Home or Condo Earnings: $30,177 Housing Budget: $513.39/month Housing Opportunities: Starter Home or Condo
AA Degree Earnings: 36,032 Housing Budget: $612.99/month Housing Opportunities: Starter Home or Condo Earnings: 36,032 Housing Budget: $612.99/month Housing Opportunities: Starter Home or Condo
Bachelor’s Degree Earnings: $51,554 Housing Budget: $877.06/month Housing Opportunities: $100,000 Home Earnings: $51,554 Housing Budget: $877.06/month Housing Opportunities: $100,000 Home
Master’s Degree Earnings: $66,942 Housing Budget: $1,138.85/month Housing Opportunities: $150,000 - $200,000 Home Earnings: $66,942 Housing Budget: $1,138.85/month Housing Opportunities: $150,000 - $200,000 Home
Doctorate Degree Earnings: $93,004 Housing Budget: $1, Housing Opportunities: $200,000 Home Earnings: $93,004 Housing Budget: $1, Housing Opportunities: $200,000 Home
Professional Degree Earnings: $114,621 Housing Budget: $ /month Housing Opportunities: $250,000 - $300,000 Home and Up Earnings: $114,621 Housing Budget: $ /month Housing Opportunities: $250,000 - $300,000 Home and Up
Professional Degree …And Up Only you can set the limits on your education and what you will do with it! …And Up Only you can set the limits on your education and what you will do with it!
Now That You Know… What Are You Doing With Your Life? Are You Learning What You Need To Succeed? What Are You Doing With Your Life? Are You Learning What You Need To Succeed?
Will You Control Your Destiny… Or Will It Control You?
The Benefits of Success: Ability to provide for yourself and your family. Freedom from living paycheck to paycheck. Improved quality of life. Less stress - more joy. No worries about retirement. Ability to provide for yourself and your family. Freedom from living paycheck to paycheck. Improved quality of life. Less stress - more joy. No worries about retirement.
One More Benefit: Giving Back Scholarships & Grants Libraries Museums Charities Benefiting The Public Sponsorship of School Programs Donation of Time To The Public Scholarships & Grants Libraries Museums Charities Benefiting The Public Sponsorship of School Programs Donation of Time To The Public
Have You Made Your Decision Yet?
Special Thanks To: Barbara Zalazinski of the Arizona Dept. of Education Arizona Dept. of Economic Security U.S. Census Bureau for home images Dr. Frank Klajda Barbara Zalazinski of the Arizona Dept. of Education Arizona Dept. of Economic Security U.S. Census Bureau for home images Dr. Frank Klajda